Example sentences of "who can [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The product is aimed at engineers and scientists who can build software modules called virtual instruments instead of writing cryptic text-based programs .
2 BUSINESS Expansion Schemes share issues may appeal to those who can forego access to part of their savings for five years in return for sheltering these funds from tax .
3 A minister who can applaud dole staff redundancies and then claim that those clerks who keep their jobs will find them more interesting , is obviously in the wrong post .
4 And there is no pleasure left in the life of the rich : for who can tell lumpfish from caviare any more , and caviare is cholesterol-rich anyway , and forbidden : and when the rich grow old and hired nurses dab away the dribble , can you trust the nurse to love you , or does she hate you ?
5 he said looking for a little boy who can do building work
6 and I said I 've got a little boy who can do building work , he mixes cement in the cement mixer
7 Is only Paul who can do gravy , so he tells us
8 Mr Skelhorn said : ‘ If there is anyone out there who can do charity events , raffles or anything else , we would be extremely grateful . ’
9 Mr Skelhorn said : ‘ If there is anyone out there who can do charity events , raffles or anything else , we would be extremely grateful . ’
10 I 've contacts who can do business stuff , consultations , after dinner speeches if we 're lucky ,
11 One might also predict that context would be of most use to individuals who have acquired rapid word-recognition skills and who can integrate word meanings rapidly .
12 This is the generation who can hold society together .
13 If you feel you have been harassed or discriminated against in any way , you can raise the matter locally or use the network of Harassment Advisers who can offer support and guidance .
14 So anyone who can offer timber — should contact The Shakespeare Globe Trust , Bear Gardens , Bankside , London SE1 9EE , 071 928 7710 .
15 The members of the preservation group are very keen to improve their engineering expertise , and would be interested in hearing from any member who can offer advice .
16 And there are still people who can shout blasphemy or heresy and demand the same bishop 's resignation when he makes so self-evident , commonsense a statement as that the Resurrection can not be definitively ‘ proved ’ .
17 ‘ I 'm sure Signorina Hastings has staff in London who can handle business in her absence , ’ Stephanie Marsa put in , her cool , high voice precise and colourless .
18 This MTh programme is geared particularly to ministers and other professionals who can devote sabbatical leave to 6 months ' resident study .
19 They concentrate on showing themselves as knowledgeable rather than involved , as experts who can impart information .
20 The seven year old who shows outstanding promise when playing the violin , the eight year old who is fascinated with negative numbers , the four year old who can read fluently , the eleven year old who can design computer programmes … must have these gifts cherished , not have them dismissed or confined .
21 The politicians may say Blah but the computers go on saying 0110100 or whatever it is , and it 's the people who can make sense of that who 'll be in the top bunk when the dam breaks .
22 Being an available technology and the only one that can deliver high quality interactive video , videodiscs continue to be used in training , especially in dedicated applications commissioned by large corporations who can make sense of the economics .
23 Around him cluster characters who are immortal , like Elrond or Legolas , who can make fire or ride on eagles , while he himself can summon the dead .
24 It is not necessary to go to the lengths of the British Airways new Four Corners shops , where the travel element can hardly be distinguished through an Ali Baba 's cave of irrelevant merchandise , but only to set up efficient systems run by people who know what they 're talking about and who can make time to understand what their travellers want , like Trailfinders with their honest bucket-shop approach , or the STA chain with its expertise in student travel .
25 Are there limitations on the classes of persons who can give consent ?
26 The Chest , Heart and Stroke Association ( address on page 145 ) has counsellors who can give advice both to the patients and to the person caring for them .
27 Elderly people and their families who wish to ‘ go it alone , so far as obtaining outside help is concerned are , of course , quite at liberty to do so , and four of the large organisations who can give advice on a great variety of problems are :
28 Some of the larger local authorities , as we have seen , are now appointing specialist advisers to the chief executive 's office , or even to the leader of the council , who can give advice divorced from the service-providing departments , but such posts are few and regarded with some suspicion by mainstream local government officers .
29 Most of the large banks employ trade promotion experts who can give information on local economies and trading practices .
30 A spokesman for Mersey Regional Health Authority said : ‘ The whole purpose of the Health of the Nation conference is to bring together industrialists , employers , local authorities and other people who can influence health in terms of things like housing , sewers , living conditions and employment conditions . ’
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