Example sentences of "who had leave [art] " in BNC.

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1 We have a tea lady on our books at the moment who had to leave the hospital where she was working because of present retirement rules .
2 Reynard Lennon , who had left a trail of confused , temporarily disabled security droids behind him , waited in the shadow of a large rhododendron hybrid in Acropolis Park and watched the Roirbak rotor dance up from the roof , wheel around and head towards Sector 2p .
3 Many pupils who had left a schoolbook behind would rather risk punishment than walk through the dark room with the animals smiling as they watched you hunt for your things .
4 We had in addition to this party , — a doctor coming to visit his mother , who lived in Coll ; a young Englishman with a fishing-rod , who had left a medical practice for a few days , to whip the burns of Coll and breathe the fine air ; a minister 's wife ; a retired minister and his wife , both in delicate health ; the fiscal of Tobermory , who had a farm in Tiree ; the Chief Constable and Sheriff Clerk from Mull , who came to investigate a case of suspected cattle poisoning ; and a young Glasgow teacher , who came to be guest of the Fiscal aforementioned .
5 She had married an insurance agent — Richard 's father — and later a solicitor in a country town who had left a wife and two children for her .
6 To demonstrate a sensitive period of the type he was proposing , it would be necessary to show that adults who had left a kibbutz at the age of six were not sexually attracted by members of the opposite sex whom they had been reared with while still in the kibbutz .
7 She had been Patrick 's housekeeper for fourteen years , through his brief and disastrous marriage , through his long and complicated liaison with a woman who had left a year ago , telling Ella that there was no point in waiting any longer for Patrick to marry her .
8 Waiting below was Michael Sams , who had left a tray on the bridge parapet for the money .
9 All he needed to do was to collect the votes of the majority of MAs who had left the University .
10 He paused and the meeting observed a thirty-second silence in honour of Richard Fairley who had left the partnership a year previously for considerably more than a handful of silver , taking with him Regina Securities ' main reason for being interested in paying Yeo Davis 's bills .
11 At that moment one of the other two women who had left the room for a couple of minutes returned with a bowl of water and began to bathe the injured arm .
12 These words of wisdom remind me of a student who came to see me many years ago after the long vacation during which she had begun her undergraduate dissertation ( with another tutor who had left the university that summer , I must emphasize ) .
13 Youths who had left the Yorkshire Institution for the Deaf and Dumb at Doncaster roamed the streets at a loose end , causing mischief .
14 Mr Smith , the feast secretary , echoed these sentiments , as he told me how people who had left the village returned annually for the feast ; there were people here today from as far away as Bournemouth .
15 On Thursday , 21 st December 1967 another ex-minister and colleague of Oscar Kambona who had left the country at around the same time returned to Dar es Salaam : the former Zanzibar Vice-President , Kassem Hanga .
16 Maha was a lushly beautiful woman who had left the husband who had been arranged for her .
17 I remember removing the name-tapes of the former wearers ( who had left the school ) with a savage feeling that these people had to be got rid of , otherwise they would possess me as a living person is possessed by a ghost .
18 When we quarrelled , it was about other things : bills , who had left the lawn mower out in the rain , nothing important .
19 It is his letter of March 1094 to the bishop of Salisbury , instructing him in the name of himself and the king to take action about the case of the daughter of the king of Scotland , who had left the nunnery at Wilton and who — as Anselm and King William had agreed — was to be forced to return .
20 Williams made friends at the Slade including the late Allan Gwynne-Jones RA and Bernard Dunstan , who had left the Slade but was still working in Oxford , and who , with his wife Diana Armfield , has remained a close friend .
21 Phillip King has attracted surprisingly modest attention in the ten years since his retrospective exhibition at the Hayward Gallery in 1981 but , as Professor of Sculpture at the Royal College of Art until 1990 , he has shaped the styles of his students and of artists such as Richard Deacon , who had left the college before his arrival .
22 There was between them and the quarterdeck a group of men who had left the fighting .
23 They were joined there by earl Rivers , who had left the prince at Stony Stratford and ridden north to greet the dukes , having first dispersed his men among neighbouring villages to ensure accommodation near the prince for the new arrivals .
24 The small gathering included my former colleague Guy Thomas , who had left the company when the ownership changed from TWW to HTV .
25 Their luck had been good , for everyone who had left the warren was still alive .
26 Equally , hostility towards peasants who had left the commune came not from a proletarianized peasantry presaging a movement beyond capitalism to socialized large-scale farming , but from ‘ traditional ’ households who desired a redistribution of the land amassed by their more successful neighbours .
27 The parties , who had left the United Kingdom to settle in Australia , married there and had two children .
28 ‘ I found as the charred remains came to light that one of their employees , who had left the firm last year , had been embezzling them for years and had set fire to the premises so that no trace could be found of his dirty work .
29 A delay followed while those who had left the vessel , presumably to search , re-entered it .
30 Donna glanced around , looking for Ryker amongst the three or four dozen other people who had left the train along with her .
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