Example sentences of "who was [adv] at " in BNC.

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1 Margaret Baxter was a godly woman who was completely at one with her husband in the concerns of the Gospel .
2 The centre-piece was a perspiring bloke who was plainly at the end of his tether and at the other end of the tatty tether was a huge hairy bundle who 'd decided he was now one of the family and acting in a suitably demented manner ; noise effects included whoops , cheers , shrieks , curses , admonitions and deep explosive barks which provided punctuation in the manner of the cannon fire in the 1812 Overture .
3 Rodrigo , who was elsewhere at the time , heard the news with dismay .
4 The prime minister , Giulio Andreotti , who was away at the time , was welcomed home on Monday March 25th by headlines announcing a showdown with Mr Cossiga .
5 The old man never wrote because he could n't write , but everyone in the East End knew that if you did n't get one of those brown envelopes pushed under your door the member of your family who was away at the war must still be alive .
6 We felt a little like prisoners and missed our privacy and independence ; my mother was the most aware of this feeling as she was the one who was most at home .
7 Belfast itself was a mere eight miles [ 13 km ] away but Thurot 's military commander , General de Flobert , who was already at odds with his naval colleague , refused to attack it .
8 But I had it from Makepeace , who was here at the time .
9 The first speaker who was here at this rostrum made the point about er , the right of individuals and it 's not in the rulebook .
10 John Montague , the Cork poet , who was also at the funeral , later described the shenanigans as ‘ a brutal Irish business , and anti-woman ’ .
11 However , Terence Mallinson of the TTF , who was also at the meeting with Possuelo , said any disruption of the mahogany trade would be " deeply damaging and counterproductive " .
12 On returning at night , with his dog , who was usually at his heels , he again stopped at Aylesford , and as is too frequently the case upon such occasions , he drank immoderately , and left the place in a state of intoxication .
13 What had happened , because his holidays coincided with mine , was that my father had become my mother as well as my father , in the sense that it was he and not she who was always at home .
14 Her mother was the one who was always at the centre of any gathering , it was her attention , never Peony 's they wanted .
15 My problems were : I had a body in the bath right behind me , a girl I 'd known for less than twenty-four hours in a bed in the next room , I was staying in the house of somebody I 'd never met who was currently at a family wedding somewhere north of Karachi and somewhere down the yellow brick road I had to call the cops .
16 The police raided the Crown in Dock'ead an' stopped the boxin' that was goin' on there , an' they nicked a lot o' street bookies who was there at the time .
17 That was Fiona , Fiona Hill , who was there at the .
18 On May 3 the writer responsible for the offending Muze magazine article , who was still at this point being threatened with legal action from the band , collected the post at his home in Hyde , Cheshire .
19 One officer said that my youngest sister , who eventually grew to be just 5 feet 4 inches tall but who was still at school at this time , had her arm around his neck trying to strangle him .
20 It was Derek Shepherd , Tina 's older brother who was still at school .
21 Others would emerge from the ruin of the body itself , and he had been in constant contact with Ian Macdonald , who was still at work in Oxford .
22 ‘ He 'll get excited , thinking he 's going to race , ’ said Wayne Peckham , who was still at school when he nicknamed the bargain-buy ‘ Duke ’ .
23 Alan , who was still at school taking his ‘ A ’ levels , said that he and other rugby-playing friends used to attend the discos of the Young Liberals .
24 ( Darli Alves da Silva was on Aug. 10 , 1989 , charged by a judge in Xapuri with ordering the murder of Chico Mendes while his son , Darcy Pereira da Silva , and Jardeir Pereira , who was still at large , were charged with committing the murder . )
25 It took three phone calls to track down Foley , who was still at the Tower .
26 Colwyn Bay nurse , Mabel Roberts , who was only at the party by chance , died after jumping more than 40ft from the flat .
27 As did the author of the book , who is a painter and who was then at the Slade , she discovered , he tells us , that ‘ the people with the beautiful faces were also , mysteriously , the ones it was most fun to be with ’ .
28 One year later , she was private secretary to Mr Peter Lilley , who was then at the Treasury .
29 This was well north of any line of march from Wales to the north east , which suggests that Gloucester had business in Lancashire and was not just en route to join his brother , who was then at York .
30 This was well north of any line of march from Wales to the north east , which suggests that Gloucester had business in Lancashire and was not just en route to join his brother , who was then at York .
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