Example sentences of "who was [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And so it was that a man who had tried his hand at a whole variety of working-class jobs but who was no friend of the labour unions could , as part of his episodic film Intolerance , quite effortlessly recreate a clash between workers and police that is so lifelike as to seem like a newsreel and to suggest that perhaps every subsequent labour riot followed its pattern .
2 But Lord Zouch , President of the Council , who was no friend to the professional judges there , discounted the notion that they were taking bribes : ‘ I mean not money to any magistrate , ’ he remarked .
3 When the head of the Commissioners , Sir Malcolm Trustram Eve , who was no man to be trifled with , arrived a few days after the Commissioners approved the expenditure , the butler Alexander showed him the restoration already complete .
4 She liked Robert Urquhart and was attracted to him , even trusted him , unlike Spittals who was no doubt gleefully stabbing her in the back at that moment .
5 Lewis , who was no fool , soon saw that in some incomprehensible way he had put his uncle 's back up .
6 One who was no extremist , Dr Sutomo , wrote : ‘ It was he who had demolished the crumbling walls that had divided the various groups of the people from one another .
7 ‘ Take your clothes off and empty your handbag , ’ said the gentleman , who was no gentleman .
8 Isambard would make little ado about hanging a marauding boy who had attempted his life , especially one who was no business of the county justices or the crown , and had no one in England to take his part .
9 And so me brother and I , who was a twin , were put into the choir as probationers , like today 's police force , and after twelve months we 'd passed all the necessary tests for the vicar and became chororists with the choir and graduated through it .
10 dwarf of ugly appearance , a helpful divinity who was a protector against evil .
11 From 1887 the land was farmed by E.A. White who was a hop grower and constructed the four magnificent Victorian oast houses which now stand on the site known as Bells 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 .
12 In Caria in later times there was a Zeus Labrandeus , who was a god wielding a double-axe .
13 When someone who was a protégé of the Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna , a close friend of Nikolai Miliutin , and the tutor to the heir to the throne decided to run the risk of going into print , conservatives realized that they were being subjected to a deliberate attempt on the part of reformers to prevent them from treating serfs harshly .
14 She sat on the hard hall-stool beside the telephone , safe in the semi-darkness and waited for Dorothea and her friend Florence Ames who was a nurse , someone who would recognise her condition instantly , who would be on hand should emergency treatment be required , who was trained and capable .
15 Eventually , a church member who was a nurse tabulated all the medical information , and helped me to write begging letters to pharmaceutical firms .
16 On each of these occasions , Freddie was with someone else , a spectacularly good-looking girl who was a nurse at the local hospital .
17 I know this is a true story , because when my Aunt Peg was a little girl she used to live next door to Mrs Sugar , who was a witch .
18 I know this is a true story , because when my Aunt Peg was a little girl she used to live next door to Mrs Sugar , who was a witch .
19 His problems , as ‘ the Scot who was a Frenchman ’ , were considerable .
20 Thiercelin , who was a Frenchman after all , observed that her breasts were particularly fine , and the rest of her figure in proportion .
21 Evidently , James Watt , who was a Scotsman himself , did not think that Scotsmen were capable of becoming good mechanics .
22 One brother of hers , at least , rallied to the cause — Samuel Hasted , younger than his sister , who was a cooper living in Bermuda Street , Stepney , a small row of eight houses just off Commercial Road .
23 ‘ The old lady who was a matron ?
24 A decision was also taken , early on , to deal through a middleman who was a fabricator .
25 Among the first people I met were the bridegroom 's uncle Mr Peter Stormonth-Darling , with his daughter Mrs Justin Cobb with her two-and-a-half year old daughter Zoë who was a bridesmaid .
26 Let us , however , confine our attention for a while to Polybius who was a specialist in constitutional and military history and who for four centuries conditioned modern thinking about Republican Rome .
27 Mr Hopkins , who was a baker , saved rations and made Christmas cakes for the two men 's bereaved families in America .
28 And by William Lovett , remember : one of that articulate elite which attended the debates at the Rotunda ; one who , knowing full well how partial , minimal and divisive the Whigs ' proposals were , was compelled by the polarisation of opinion they induced to a course of action contributing much to the great flood of support for them ; one who was a founder of the Chartist Movement formed in the wake of the Reform Act .
29 This may have been due to the support of Steel-Maitland who was a founder member before he became Party Chairman and who later served on its committee on mental health .
30 Mr Stanley Keyse , who was a founder member of the Welshpool and Llanfair Caereinion Railway Society , died recently following an operation .
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