Example sentences of "who [verb] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 What about the quarrelling Australian couple who plunged over a cliff in separate vans after a St Valentine 's day row and a chase through northern Sydney .
2 Those full-time farmers who handed over the holding to a family member at the age of 65 years were entitled to a larger state pension .
3 Lord Arran told how Minister Walsh , who spent over a day at the show , and he would be considering the extent to which they can co-operate mutually to the advantage of all involved in the food and drink industry in Ireland .
4 But rumour has it that a sevens tournament is going to be organised in Moscow in September to decide who takes over the Soviet place : Russia , Ukraine , Georgia , Latvia or Kazakhstan .
5 It was said when he first arrived at Wigan that he had a great act to follow after Lowe but that becomes even more relevant this time for fellow Aussie John Dorahy who takes over the reins .
6 In the urban fringe it has already been shown in Chapter 3 that recreation can have an adverse impact on farming , but other work has shown that the 500 or so informal recreation sites which cover 5.7 per cent of London 's Green Belt ( Ferguson and Munton , 1979 ) are not heavily used by either car-owing suburban dwellers ( who leapfrog over the green belt into so-called proper countryside since they perceive the sites as being too near to be worthy of a special car trip ) or by carless inner city residents ( who spurn the use of public transport ) ( Harrison , 1983 ) .
7 As distinct from a personal tutelary spirit , who watched over an individual brave , the manitou patronised the entire tribe and was thought to be the long-ago founder of that tribe .
8 This was privately admitted by senior officers who took over the running of the fund two years ago , and after an inquiry by the Charity Commission more than £3,000 was repaid from regimental funds .
9 Only occasionally was there any doubt that they would win , however , particularly as David Phillips , who took over the kicking on the early retirement of Brian Bolderson , kicked only one of four penalty chances for Newport .
10 Also to be released is Wilton Mkwayi , who took over the overall command of the ANC 's military wing , Umkhonto we Sizwe , after the others were jailed but was himself arrested and jailed for life in 1965 .
11 DAVID FRENCH is the man who took over the Marriage Guidance Council , renamed it Relate and persuaded the Princess of Wales to become its patron , thus demonstrating that he was both tough and persuasive .
12 Gordon Welchman in The Hut Six Story tells an amusing yarn about the man who took over the administration of the ‘ highly intelligent female staff ’ of the Decoding Room and the Registration Room , and whom I grew to know quite well :
13 Bertrand Russell , who took over the chairmanship of the NCF when Allen was jailed , later remarked : ‘ In some men the habit of standing out against the herd had become so ingrained that they could not co-operate with anybody about anything . ’
14 Chairman Peter Robins , who took over the Sky Blues last November , singled out Curtis 's earnings yesterday claiming : ‘ It is a staggering figure — a staggering sum of money in this day and age . ’
15 Company For Henry look like the original lunatics who took over the asylum — all shaven heads and murderous expressions .
16 Or , if your previous employer has gone out of business , the Occupational Pensions Advisory Service ( OPAS ) — see below — may be able to tell you who took over the responsibility for payment of pensions .
17 Thomas Brod , the current owner who took over the business started by his father in 1954 , referred to a lack of passing trade .
18 Equally forthright is the testimony of Carel Weight who taught with Minton in the Painting School and who took over the Professorship after Rodrigo Moynihan left .
19 But it was Arthur G. Tansley ( 1871–1955 ) who took over the leadership of the new approach , proclaiming ecology as the guide to future work in botany in a 1904 paper given to the British Association .
20 Another Florentine nobleman , Jacopo Corsi , who took over the role of patron of the camerata when Bardi left for Rome , composed two numbers for Dafne , a tiny aria for Apollo and a unison coro finale , which have survived , but these are hardly in a nuova maniera .
21 It was the not fault of my client , that just as the Visitor seemed to be gaining the trust of the young person who is the subject of this enquiry ( she was a child when the case was first brought to their attention as in need of care and protection but is now classed as a young person ) she was transferred because of area reorganisation undertaken in response to changes in government policy , and that the officer who took over the case was hospitalised shortly after she assumed her new duties .
22 Stapleton — who took over the Valley Parade hot seat in December — confirmed : ‘ Stuart is the manager when I 'm out playing .
23 He may not be able to call upon the driver who took over the car to support his defence and to help him discharge the balance of probabilities in his favour , because that driver would not want to expose himself to the criminal charges of aggravated car theft .
24 An ’ we now know he wuz the Triad connection , the one who took over the sect an' corrupted it . ’
25 A group of eight armed civilians who took over the radio station in Antananarivo , the capital , on July 29 surrendered to the armed forces after they failed to win popular support .
26 The commonalty were allowed a council of sixty , which had to assent to the decisions of the mayor and aldermen , who took over the powers of the earlier assembly of twenty-four .
27 He was opposed by at least one cleric , Proculus , who took over the administration of the diocese , and scarcely allowed the bishop enough to eat .
28 I would also like to pay tribute to the Chairmen of the Council 's other Committees and in particular to who took over the chair of the Policy Review Committee in May 1990 .
29 The tall , blond player who had joined West Ham at the tender of age of 17 some four years earlier , had done more than choose the right moment to emerge , he 'd nicely anticipated the coming of the right man , Alf Ramsey , who took over the England management shortly afterwards and began to forge the national side which would win the World Cup in 1966 and in which Moore would play an anchor role .
30 It was Branwell , who suggested that the Harworth parsonage should publish its own magazine , but after the third issue , it was Charlotte who took over the leadership from him .
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