Example sentences of "who [verb] leave the " in BNC.

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1 The debate on how the rule should be formulated for the purposes of the American Law Institute 's Corporate Governance Project has revealed the battle lines of those who favour leaving the disciplining of management to the market and those who see an important role for the courts .
2 Everyone who has left the village makes the effort to come back for May weekend .
3 ‘ A double agent can be tripled ’ — or , presumably by the same token , quadrupled or quintupled — since he does n't necessarily know where one stage ends and the next begins , particularly in the case of a Russian who has left the pre-Glasnost USSR not for reasons of ideology , but for the chance to work out his physical theories on an up-to-date computer .
4 On the other side of the picture it is also instructive to know who has left the church during the past year and their reasons for leaving .
5 The right hon. Member for Birmingham , Sparkbrook ( Mr. Hattersley ) , who has left the Chamber , seemed to be aspiring to be the next Home Secretary , but he appears to have forgotten that there is a land frontier between the United Kingdom and another nation .
6 Social security minister Ann Widdecombe , who plans to leave the Church , said it would cause people to quit ‘ in droves ’ .
7 It was a flash of the old soldier , the true grit of a seasoned campaigner who refuses to leave the field of battle despite his wounds .
8 Q What will happen to any clergy who decide to leave the Church because of their opposition to the legislation permitting women to be ordained as priests ?
9 The majority of children who choose to leave the school campus at lunchtime buy crisps , chocolate and soft drinks .
10 Meanwhile , Anselm played the part of a benevolent but distant superior dealing with complaints about the negligence of monastic officials , restraining the over-officious severity of the sub-prior , remonstrating with monks who wished to leave the monastery for something vaguely better , defending his own absence , and dealing in a casual way with a variety of business .
11 We have a tea lady on our books at the moment who had to leave the hospital where she was working because of present retirement rules .
12 All he needed to do was to collect the votes of the majority of MAs who had left the University .
13 He paused and the meeting observed a thirty-second silence in honour of Richard Fairley who had left the partnership a year previously for considerably more than a handful of silver , taking with him Regina Securities ' main reason for being interested in paying Yeo Davis 's bills .
14 At that moment one of the other two women who had left the room for a couple of minutes returned with a bowl of water and began to bathe the injured arm .
15 These words of wisdom remind me of a student who came to see me many years ago after the long vacation during which she had begun her undergraduate dissertation ( with another tutor who had left the university that summer , I must emphasize ) .
16 Youths who had left the Yorkshire Institution for the Deaf and Dumb at Doncaster roamed the streets at a loose end , causing mischief .
17 Mr Smith , the feast secretary , echoed these sentiments , as he told me how people who had left the village returned annually for the feast ; there were people here today from as far away as Bournemouth .
18 On Thursday , 21 st December 1967 another ex-minister and colleague of Oscar Kambona who had left the country at around the same time returned to Dar es Salaam : the former Zanzibar Vice-President , Kassem Hanga .
19 Maha was a lushly beautiful woman who had left the husband who had been arranged for her .
20 I remember removing the name-tapes of the former wearers ( who had left the school ) with a savage feeling that these people had to be got rid of , otherwise they would possess me as a living person is possessed by a ghost .
21 When we quarrelled , it was about other things : bills , who had left the lawn mower out in the rain , nothing important .
22 It is his letter of March 1094 to the bishop of Salisbury , instructing him in the name of himself and the king to take action about the case of the daughter of the king of Scotland , who had left the nunnery at Wilton and who — as Anselm and King William had agreed — was to be forced to return .
23 Williams made friends at the Slade including the late Allan Gwynne-Jones RA and Bernard Dunstan , who had left the Slade but was still working in Oxford , and who , with his wife Diana Armfield , has remained a close friend .
24 Phillip King has attracted surprisingly modest attention in the ten years since his retrospective exhibition at the Hayward Gallery in 1981 but , as Professor of Sculpture at the Royal College of Art until 1990 , he has shaped the styles of his students and of artists such as Richard Deacon , who had left the college before his arrival .
25 There was between them and the quarterdeck a group of men who had left the fighting .
26 They were joined there by earl Rivers , who had left the prince at Stony Stratford and ridden north to greet the dukes , having first dispersed his men among neighbouring villages to ensure accommodation near the prince for the new arrivals .
27 The small gathering included my former colleague Guy Thomas , who had left the company when the ownership changed from TWW to HTV .
28 Their luck had been good , for everyone who had left the warren was still alive .
29 Equally , hostility towards peasants who had left the commune came not from a proletarianized peasantry presaging a movement beyond capitalism to socialized large-scale farming , but from ‘ traditional ’ households who desired a redistribution of the land amassed by their more successful neighbours .
30 The parties , who had left the United Kingdom to settle in Australia , married there and had two children .
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