Example sentences of "her [noun] she feel " in BNC.

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1 To her horror she felt her eyes fill with tears .
2 To her horror she felt the sting of tears in her eyes and looked away again , refusing to let him see her moment of weakness .
3 She reached out and laid her hand on his arm , and beneath her fingers she felt the corded muscle clench .
4 When she put her hand to her hair she felt small twigs and she was hastily removing them when a car slid to a halt beside her .
5 In her heart she felt that Rose was a little common in knowing so many people .
6 Cleo narrowed her eyes at him in approximation of a sympathetic glance , although in her heart she felt no pity at all .
7 As the thought sprang into her mind she felt her entire body flood with heat even as she shivered in the chilly air .
8 losing her eyes she felt the warmth spreading throughout her body , relaxing her .
9 Hearing his voice just behind her shoulder , she whirled round , her heart beating so loudly in her ears she felt sure he must be able to hear it too .
10 After Emmie had had her bath she felt cool and clean for not much longer than five minutes ; by the time she was dressed , she was sticky and hot again .
11 Through her reins she felt the horse cock his jaw in the hope he could take hold completely , but having sat enough ‘ bolts ’ on both Buttons and Paintbox , Artemis was wise to this , and she quickly shortened up her reins and then relaxed them , confusing the horse quite deliberately .
12 I asked Joyce what aspect of her phobia she felt still remained and she said that she would like to be able to go into an open space such as a park , where there were likely to be many more birds around .
13 To her amazement she felt tears pricking her eyelids .
14 For the first time in her life she felt as if the veil had been stripped from her idol and she was looking at the real person who hid away inside a beautiful body , seeing her through the eyes of others who had no family love for her to colour what they saw .
15 For the first time in her life she felt she had outdone Paula , who had never , ever , arrived home in a taxi !
16 At this critical juncture in her life she felt that there was no-one in whom she could confide .
17 For the first time in her life she felt radiantly satisfied , as though she had somehow managed to find all the answers to every question she had ever asked about herself .
18 For the first time in her life she felt the fetters of discipline and caution falling from her as her spirit , fired by the ritual movements of her supple body , soared to another plane .
19 When he took her hands she felt the tension in him ; he was shaking .
20 To her dismay she felt her cheeks grow hot , and by the time she reached the treatment area she found the first of her patients had arrived .
21 For the first time since losing her way she felt scared .
22 She had wept at the death of her father , but for her mother she felt no grief .
23 And in the delirium of recognising her power she felt protected , safe in his arms .
24 To her annoyance she felt the colour flame into her face , having to say his name .
25 Despite that , Dane 's eyes glinted appreciatively when she joined him in the hotel foyer , and to her annoyance she felt a pleasant little warm glow deep inside .
26 Every time the police visited her house she felt a heavy sickness inside her .
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