Example sentences of "her [noun] [adv] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Susan had come up to them , and stood still in horror at the sight of her sister apparently embracing a total stranger .
2 Her chest still heaving , she drew in a gasping breath .
3 She had her foot up touching his ears , he had his ear like that .
4 Her foot ferociously working the pedal , her mouth full of pins , she seems to be constantly warning , or criticising : ‘ How many biscuits is that ? or ‘ You 'd better watch it , young lady , Pat was skinny at your age and now look at her ! ’
5 Her sister sat in the rocking-chair by the side of the range , her eyes closed and her foot rhythmically working the rocker .
6 Her temper sprang back into vivid life as she all but shrieked the words back at him , her fingers unconsciously curling themselves into the fists she 'd dearly love to use on him .
7 She moaned softly and closed her eyes , her whole body trembling at his touch , then she reached down and freed him , holding his swollen penis momentarily , her fingers softly tracing its length , once , then again , almost making him come , before drawing him up into her .
8 Merrill stared at him , her fingers absently crumbling a roll .
9 She sat , not meeting his eye , her fingers restlessly turning the pages of the book on her lap .
10 Her hands had gone , involuntarily , to the buttons on her bodice , her fingers defensively closing the gap .
11 Work him up and down while she licked the rest of his body , work her way up , lift herself over him , her fingers now slipping inside herself .
12 Andrew had his hand on her hair again stroking it back , lifting each strand separately .
13 She looked healthy and strong , a fine animal , her skin glowing , her hair radiantly shining .
14 He went and stood by the shower and watched Sophie in soft-focus shampooing her hair then turning her face to the showerhead .
15 ‘ My game ? ’ echoed Sally-Anne , her heart suddenly bumping now that he was holding her , acutely aware of how little she was wearing .
16 A second after that and , her heart suddenly racing , Fabia dashed over to the phone — and was sorely disappointed that the call , though an outside one and not Reception , was not from Ven but his secretary .
17 He looked steadily at her and Jenna moved back obediently , her heart suddenly pounding with anxiety because she had no idea what Alain was talking about .
18 ‘ Oh , y-yes , ’ she stammered , her heart suddenly finding a lot of extra energy .
19 ‘ There 's no need to sound quite so surprised , ’ Polly sniffed , her heart still beating fast .
20 Then , with her heart still pounding madly , she looked back over her shoulder .
21 Carrie reached for her coat , her heart still pounding in her chest and a tightening sensation in her throat causing her to gulp .
22 Her heart still pounding nineteen to the dozen , she looked over towards the window , seeing for the first time a familiar , powerfully-built figure standing there .
23 Then , as she nodded , believing him , her heart wildly rejoicing , with a soft sigh he was bending his head towards her , his fingers in her hair , his lips claiming hers .
24 I know you think Caroline 's got the perfect parents , her mum not working and … ’
25 ‘ You 're just bluffing , ’ she said , her teeth openly chattering despite the heat of the afternoon .
26 Gilly could feel Miss Ellis 's fingers on her backbone gently prodding her through the doorway and into the house .
27 Nevertheless , on subjects which include the eating disorder bulimia nervosa and AIDS , she still manages to convey a depth of passion in her speeches often lacking in those of other members of the Royal family .
28 She allowed her fingers to roam , her eyes tightly shut , her mind vividly picturing him as she had seen him for the very first time .
29 She had been unable to concentrate on her reading , her mind constantly straying to the conversation she had had with him in the rose gardens .
30 Preoccupied with her own thoughts , and her mind still whirling with confusion from everything that had happened last night , Jessamy did n't hear the car draw up outside ; did n't hear the front door open and then quietly close again .
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