Example sentences of "her [noun sg] [vb base] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Startled , he turned , but Therese had darted , scooping her peacock train up over one arm , back around behind the screen , to the side he should have been on .
2 One minute there you were asking casual questions about arsenic and the next there was your wife throwing up and having her hair fall out .
3 She paused with her ribbon in her hand and tossed her hair loose down her back without plaiting it up again , to please Finn , although he was uncouth .
4 She drew her engagement ring down her fine finger and pushed it back again preparatory to making a move in a game .
5 There was something in his voice that made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up .
6 She saw only her darling come down the room Nicandra might have walked alone , so unaware was Aunt Tossie , for the moment , of the little friend .
7 You knew what she was doing ; she deserves to have her business fold up around her .
8 In Mary Barton the working-class heroine and her husband go off to the colonies to start a new life .
9 So her head come out what 's the trouble ?
10 He heard the tin bracelets jangling on her wrists and from time to time she bent her head close over her fists as though blowing on reluctant embers ; but it was some time before he realized that he , too , was naked , and that the hands of the Moi girl were stroking and chafing his own body .
11 Diana 's three best pals are the women who shared her bachelor-girl pad in in Knightsbridge before she was married .
12 You could , could the window tre the cleaner get through that window he said yes , but she 'll have to , he 'll have to force it , she said oh I do n't want it forcing , no , somebody at the shop in the greengrocers rooted through the phone book , eventually got her daughter 's phone number in Urmston , phoned for her and her daughter come down
13 It turned over with her daughter face down .
14 But he saw her hand fly up and hold her mouth , he saw Creed slide an arm round her shoulder .
15 She hitched the full skirt of her Summer dress up above her knees , and swung her long legs for him to see .
16 ‘ The old bag 's got her ear trumpet out , ’ he said too clearly .
17 She let the cooling suds tickle her wrists , worked her white-locked mop in and out of glasses .
18 The mother was unaware of how much time and attention a young child required as she herself had a very deprived childhood in the West Indies where her role was as a maid to help her mother bring up her brothers and sisters .
19 ‘ Mum — ’ Nutty turned round and her mother let out a wild scream , shooting plum juice all over the tablecloth .
20 The captain of the work party watched the woman and her son go in , then signalled to his men to complete the sealing-off of the cottage .
21 Why had n't her lipstick come off ?
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