Example sentences of "so as to make [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The rule as to unsoundness is that if at the time of sale , the horse has any disease which either actually does diminish the natural usefulness of the animal , so as to make him less capable of work of any description of which in its ordinary progress will diminish the natural usefulness of the animal , or if the horse has , either from disease or accident undergone any alterations of structure that either actually does at the time , or in its ordinary effects will , diminish the natural usefulness of the horse , such a horse is unsound . ’
2 Suppose , for example , that the indirect tax structure could be reformed by introducing differential rates of tax on different commodities ( so that , say , necessities bear a lower percentage ) , and that this could be done so as to make everyone better off ( or no worse off ) .
3 Trade unions fell into the second of these groups , but , because of their large and fluctuating membership and because of certain provisions in the Trade Union Act 1871 , it was assumed that it was impracticable to bring actions against them so as to make their funds liable .
4 Make a note of the values at maximum and minimum and if they are not of equal magnitude adjust the zero-offset trimpot so as to make them equal .
5 New books and dictionaries are expected to contain the new spellings , while Proust , Racine and the rest will gradually be re-edited so as to make them conform .
6 I have suggested that it is the function of grammar to reduce the range of meaning signalled by words so as to make them more effective in the identification of features of context , thereby providing for the increased indexical potential of lexis .
7 Such reforms would either completely displace existing rules derived from the Fair Trading Act and monopolies legislation or they would refashion them so as to make them more meaningful in the era of multi-media ownership .
8 This refers to the shock treatment applied by Western-dominated financial institutions like the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) to the economies of developing countries so as to make them more efficient .
9 Similarly Max Birnstiel ( IMP , Vienna ) described studies in which a newly developed and very efficient technique for gene transfer was used to induce tumour cells to synthesize high levels of interleukin 2 , so as to make them more conspicuous to the immune system .
10 Pre-prepared units of work should be labelled and stored so as to make them accessible to pupils and teachers alike .
11 These exercises will be used on your first 3 routines , and will be incorporated in stages so as to make your training progressive and more demanding .
12 These included a change in the constitutional status of the province so as to make it subordinate to Serbia , the imposition of Serbocroatian as the official language , the dismissal from the Kosovo government of ‘ Albanian chauvinists ’ and of Serbian ‘ opportunists and careerists ’ , and the return to Kosovo of Serbian emigrants ( NIN , 9 November 1986 ) .
13 However , I do strongly suspect that he could change my perspective of reality so as to make it extremely difficult not to attack the person .
14 However , 11 stated that it was poorly written , and all but one of those 11 rewrote the passage so as to make it conform to Hankamer & Sag 's parallelism condition — some changed the antecedent from are critical of to criticize , others changed the form of the ellipses ( e.g. … anyone who is … ) or eliminated it ( e.g. … anyone who was openly critical … ) .
15 Wilson and Jones , in their investigations of this effect , did not test the carcinogens on cells , but on DNA extracted from cells and treated so as to make it mimic the methylated DNA of a dividing cell .
16 The provisions of paragraphs ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) above shall not apply so as to make it unlawful for a motor vehicle to be fitted with an instrument or apparatus other than a two-tone horn designed to emit a sound for the purpose of informing members of the public that goods are on the vehicle for sale .
17 Other circumstances which may amount to frustration of a booking contract are the flooding of the hotel so as to make it uninhabitable or its destruction by fire .
18 On the other hand , this goal , that is , a sample sufficiently large so as to make it representative , had to be weighed against time , staffing and other factors which imposed a practical limit on the size of the sample .
19 Very simply , the theory behind this is that any product has some characteristic which can be developed so as to make it unique in its class .
20 But that meaning is not determinate enough to be able to adjudicate between rival translations , so as to make it the case that at most one is right ( though we may never be able to tell which ) .
21 The user creates the pages by manipulating this information so as to make it pleasing to the eye , informative , amusing , or whatever effect is required .
22 The Society 's view is that a more positive solution is needed : to amend the Financial Services Act 1986 so as to make it clear precisely how far rules made under the Act displace the general law .
23 A statement may be made in writing , orally or even by contract , for example , by making the goods tell a lie about themselves as in the case where the seller patched up a crack in the barrel of a cannon so as to make it appear unfractured , Horsfall v. Thomas ( 1862 ) .
24 Wishful thinking : the statement ‘ If I could do anything I would implant the standards in his brain ’ may spark off more realistic ideas such as running a course to explain the standards ( perhaps in a country hotel so as to make it a pleasant experience ) .
25 The court was adamant in its rejection of fanciful interpretations of the clause so as to make it so wide as to be unreasonable .
26 That survey was quite methodologically sound in that the sampling procedure was er designed so as to make it as representative as possible of the U K population .
27 The other is an insider 's , told so as to make us understand what the events mean , in a sense distinct from any meaning found in unearthing the laws of nature .
28 She can not get a job without training and she can not get training from the Basildon authorities so as to make herself available for work .
29 Write so that he can not twist your meaning so as to make you agree to opinions the opposite of those you hold .
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