Example sentences of "so now you [verb] " in BNC.

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1 So now you 've seen it . ’
2 So now you 've got the inside information , try Le Yogurt Actif .
3 So now you 've got … shares in …
4 Okay and then carry on Okay so now you 've made three sets of
5 So now you 've got your equation .
6 So now you 've gorn and kidnapped the Prince of Wales , after murdering a poor innocent banking gentleman , ’ he purred , eyes glittering .
7 I 'll be very , very brief erm we can not fall back the control of the country which even the highest rate of recycling that a number of them have already achieved the Government recycling target so now you 've aimed er , I think it 's something rich it more or less stands for er , I would see the role of the County is essentially is co-ordination between the various waste collection authorities through to the greater of the extense of
8 So now you 've reassured yourself that I 'm not at death 's door , I 'd like you to leave . ’
9 So now you 've worked out what one fifteenth is right ?
10 So now you 've got ta split it up into triangles by starting at one corner .
11 So now you know !
12 There is less ground-breaking material in this film ; it is more a case of tying up loose ends : it was James Tiberius Kirk — so now you know .
13 So now you know how to turn any mean into a special occasion !
14 So now you know .
15 So now you know how to win a million dollars .
16 So now you know as much as I do ! ’
17 So now you know why I did n't want you to be known as my girlfriend , Anne .
18 So now you know , make sure of our customers are aware of the features and benefits .
19 So now you know the story about the title of his new album .
20 So now you know everything there is to know about me !
21 Yes , at fifty instead of sixty , they said you retire at age fifty and we will make your pension up to what you would have got at age sixty and we will also do the same with you lump sum and so now you know , this and they did that with thirty thousand I think went in one year , it does n't take long to get rid of one point seven billion pounds when you 're doing for that er that number of people erm and
22 Taking a seat by her side , he said , ‘ So now you know who I am . ’
23 So now you know two things about me , Miss Aurora Blake .
24 We did n't take a lot I mean she was a history teacher so now you know why I did n't learn a lot of history cos all we did was giggle .
25 So now you know .
26 So now you dig again .
27 So now you increase sixty five pounds by seven percent .
28 So now you go and tramp the streets changing your traveller 's cheques into cash and then into traveller 's cheques signed Winterbotham .
29 So now you see , Richard , do you not , why your mama can not let you out of her sight ? ’
30 So now you see why point three five or whatever is
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