Example sentences of "so that [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ( a ) Stamp duty The circumstances envisaged in this chapter fall within s83 of the Finance Act 1985 ( see Chapter 2 ) and a certificate that the instrument falls within Category H of the Schedule to the Stamp Duty ( Exempt Instruments ) Regulations 1987 ( SI No 516 ) can be given so that no stamp duty is payable .
2 Cheshire , Fifoot and Furmston ( 12th ed. ) , p. 93 say ‘ It will be observed that the plaintiff sued in Pinnel 's Case not in assumpsit but in debt , so that no question of consideration arose ’ But it was not the promise to pay the debt which was in issue but the promise not to enforce the debt .
3 It was the submission of the appellant , B. & Q. , that your Lordships were bound to refer the matter to the European Court of Justice , whereas the respondent councils submitted that , following the Conforama and Marchandise decisions , the conclusion reached by Hoffmann J. could not possibly be disturbed so that no reference was required .
4 It amazed me to think that even though the gay bar had been situated up those dark stairs for many years , the straight men downstairs managed to keep up the impetus so that no queen should pass without an insult .
5 The Saturday Review bitterly commented that they had ‘ framed for themselves a rule which we must characterize as both illogical and unfair — namely , of distributing their patronage so that no competitor should net more than one premium ’ .
6 So that no subject had to be excluded because of duodenogastric bile reflux .
7 Cut flowers should last longer as the stems are cut under water , so that no air or bacteria can enter the stalk to create a blockage .
8 Silage can also be made in large plastic bags which must be carefully sealed so that no air can enter .
9 The stage costumes were ornate , the hemline above the knee and worn with knickers massed with frills so that no outline of the leg could be seen .
10 Hang it horizontally and be careful to stick it precisely edge to edge so that no bulge will show through the paper proper .
11 The effect of the provisions is that the newly issued shares are deemed , as it were , to be a replacement of the shares transferred so that no capital gains tax becomes payable on the transfer by the transferor at that stage .
12 When a voltage is applied to the tip of the AFM needle ( which is kept far enough away from the surface so that no tunnelling current can flow ) , the dopant 's electrons are disturbed and exert an electrostatic force on the tip .
13 But for his act in bringing it there no mischief could have accrued , and it seems but just that he should at his peril keep it there so that no mischief may accrue , or answer for the natural and anticipated consequences .
14 Unless you have some experience in cutting clay pipes ( or can arrange the layout so that no cutting is necessary ) , it is probably best to stick with the easier-to-use uPVC .
15 For Nahum 's sake , so that no stain will be on his character , Mr Bradford has cleared those debts , but you , Sarah , will have nothing .
16 Would it even matter , if this rabble of which he had himself once been a part , managed to get their vote and fill the House of Commons with men who would pass Factory Acts galore , including that damnable Ten Hours Bill of Richard Oastler 's , so that no man would be able to control his own affairs ?
17 This stance is best suited to upwards travel and the bird moves in a tight spiral round the tree so that no part of the bark is left unscanned .
18 Provided certain conditions are met , the purchase can be treated as a capital transaction so that no part of the purchase price is treated as a distribution in the selling shareholder 's hands and the company does not have to account for ACT .
19 In Cadbury Ltd v Halliday [ 1975 ] 1 WLR 649 , it was decided that the words " Extra value " written on the wrapper of a bar of chocolate , did not relate to any of the items listed in s2 so that no offence was committed .
20 The first reason why the market could no longer be perceived as limiting economic power was that the structure of the market ceased to correspond even loosely with the model of perfect competition which required numerous firms operating in the same industry so that no firm was capable of affecting the price of its product by varying the level of the output of that product .
21 This should be contrasted with the position where the debenture are not qualifying corporate bonds , where the base cost of the shares in Target is rolled into the base cost of the debentures , so that no gain falls into charge unless the debentures are in fact redeemed for more than their ( lowered ) base cost .
22 Its unique contribution to the community should be recognized — which incidentally would help to raise its status — so that no mother of under-fives should have to go out to work for financial reasons .
23 Each session must be planed ahead so that no time is wasted in the session trying to find and decide what to do .
24 We aim to reduce maximum class sizes so that no registration class in the country need have more than 30 pupils .
25 The separation between the two components is only about 35000000 kilometres , so that no telescope can show them separately , and each must be egg-shaped .
26 The system is made up of two very luminous B-type giants almost in contact , so that no telescope will show them separately .
27 For instance , his winged sandals helped him to steal cows belonging to APOLLO , and his wit ensured the stock walked backwards so that no trace of their movements could be found .
28 ‘ I found as the charred remains came to light that one of their employees , who had left the firm last year , had been embezzling them for years and had set fire to the premises so that no trace could be found of his dirty work .
29 If you suspect , for example , that your neighbour intends to build on your land , or if your windows are going to be blocked so that no light can get through , or if an unreasonable nuisance is going to be caused , then your last hope may be to go to the courts and ask for an injunction .
30 Often , unable to bear leaving the dress until the next night , Constance would get up after Nora had closed the door and , placing her dressing gown at its foot so that no light would show , spend another hour or two at the work she loved .
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