Example sentences of "so [v-ing] he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And so saying he went into the tiny village police station with its distinctive blue lamp and the lettering chiselled into the stone above the doorway which said ‘ King 's Magnum Parva Police Station ’ .
2 So saying he went back inside and banged his door shut behind him .
3 So saying he set off with Rob and Tess at his heels to head for the high moor .
4 So saying he backed out into the corridor again , where Shiona caught a glimpse of the frowning faces of a couple of uniformed railway officials .
5 So saying he caught him up and without Wing
6 And so saying he threw a stick into the water .
7 And finally , Pilate rejected the Lord Jesus , and in so doing he sealed his own doom .
8 In so doing he emphasised the need for accountability at all levels of the system .
9 In so doing he became a symbol of the age , and his poetry became its echoing music — with its brooding grandeur as well as its bleakness , its plangency as well as its ellipses , its rhythmical strength as well as its theatrical equivocations .
10 In so doing he became the first US President since Harry S. Truman to veto a major spending bill .
11 In so doing he creates a problem that has not yet been solved .
12 In so doing he combined the religious culture of Lérins and the rhetorical culture of Late Antiquity more successfully than had Sidonius .
13 What would be the point of his striving for good repute in the House if in so doing he had to risk losing his seat ?
14 In so doing he founded modern British orthopaedics .
15 In so doing he permitted Isis to reveal the name to her son Horus but ordered that it must not be told to anyone else .
16 By so doing he provides her with some immunity against the chronic depression which afflicts so many mothers of pre-school age children , and which in turn undermines their abilities as parents .
17 In so doing he triggered a theological storm that led to his resignation .
18 Firstly , he used a telescope to observe the heavens , and in so doing he transformed the observational data that the Copernican theory was required to explain .
19 In so doing he found another character , John Higgs , who became central to his development .
20 At one point he rephrases the central dilemma of innovation and in so doing he implies that the most important characteristic of a school 's internal organisation is a ‘ collaborative professional relationship ’ among teachers .
21 In so doing he seems to have been acting in concert with a Roman official called Seronatus .
22 By so doing he originated a style of dance which owed its liveliness to the way such people behaved and danced in real life .
23 By so doing he changed the very character of the conflict , for through the creation of a wider involvement in its success he tried to ensure that he , and his successors , would have broad support for the continued involvement of England and Englishmen in France .
24 By so doing he gave us priceless clues for a richer , more colourful , and sometimes more dramatic , range of expression than the score could suggest without the eloquence of the two signs .
25 In so doing he has provided a book which has been a tremendous help to pastors in every generation since , up to and including the present day .
26 And in so doing he has given us the joyrider 's equivalent of Neil Young 's ‘ Tonight 's The Night ’ , The Pogues ' ‘ Hell 's Ditch ’ and the Stones ' ‘ Exile On Main Street ’ — one of those awful black records to turn to when you 're feeling at your most morbid .
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