Example sentences of "so [adv] as [verb] " in BNC.

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1 To partake in that utterance must demand superhuman courage , courage from the divine , an ability to think so intensely as to die even from pure thought — to die a death ordained , not for self-glorification , a significant and saving death .
2 Some of the European Court of Justice 's opinions can be quite ‘ woolly ’ and do leave themselves open to a wider interpretation , but I do not believe that the opinion was meant to be interpreted so widely as to provide for an auditor recognised in one member state to practise in a second member state without any requirement to obtain local authorisation .
3 This has reversed the rule in Harbutts Plasticine Ltd v Wayne Tank and Pump Co Ltd [ 1970 ] 1 QB 447 , but it has not affected the rule in the Suisse Atlantique case [ 1967 ] 1 AC 61 that exemption clauses can not be construed to apply to fundamental breach unless clearly stated to do so ( See also the Securicor case mentioned above , where an exclusion clause was found to be drafted so widely as to exclude liability for a wilful default which was also a fundamental breach of the contract . )
4 Even then , there may be limits to an exclusion — if it is drawn so widely as to protect a party from all liability , even for total non-performance , its effect may be that the party has promised nothing ; there is therefore no contract , or at best only a unilateral one .
5 But there is no agreement on the way these costs should be calculated and estimates vary so widely as to make them practically meaningless .
6 In present everyday usage the phrase could be understood to mean quite simply that capital , or more precisely , the people disposing of it , treats labour , or more precisely , the people employed , so badly as to create resentment .
7 The Conservatives would not always win under the electoral system of 1918 , but they would rarely do so badly as to allow anyone else to win .
8 They do not like by-elections , for in them a candidate of their own party may , win or lose , find the opportunity to display himself so advantageously as to become in the next general election a fearsome competitor .
9 So long as does increase and the organic composition of capital is not increasing rapidly , it will represent future consumption by productive workers , but will still be considered as a part of the surplus-value .
10 ‘ Very like ! ’ he said , knowing it was true , and knowing that he would not hold back so long as to let it be true .
11 Again this is a key finding , for little can be done about speeds , safety and environmental traffic management issues so long as housing areas have through traffic inflicted upon them .
12 The list of sins , venial and otherwise , was long , but not so long as to come as a surprise .
13 He had then gone to Hollywood in the early fifties and stayed there long enough to show that he could cope with the system and be moderately successful , but not so long as to alienate his chauvinistic British following .
14 You can concentrate on two things for only so long as changing positions to help the photographer and holding the adult shearwater proved .
15 Within the permitted development rules for home extensions , this means no permission is needed , so long as adding the garage does n't result in the volume of the house being increased by more than the permitted development allowance .
16 But so long as winning elections is seen as a mere matter of tweaking a market image , or of changing a brand title or logo , the whole enterprise is doomed to failure .
17 ‘ I 'm sure you would n't , so only as prescribed . ’
18 But it was Cromwell who remained the arch repository of true evil in the world , Cromwell who had persecuted Ireland so greatly as to overshadow even Queen Elizabeth who , vilifying Mary Stuart , had put her to a martyr 's death .
19 All this is , of course , true for others beside old people , and it is no part of the argument to categorise old people so separately as to further stigmatise them .
20 The requirement against memory ‘ bundling ’ had been important when the EC first looked at the complaints back in 1977 ; but in the period 1977–84 memory prices dropped so steeply as to make the point relatively trivial .
21 The fuse would destroy itself , the gunpowder explode , poor Cosmas 's legs would be shattered , and even if he wanted to , the fire spread so quickly as to prevent his escape .
22 The wartime bombers did n't seem to care what went up ; by contrast the PIRA did and cared so deliberately as to set out selectively to destroy what is now an illusion — the sanctity of hospital in which , regardless of loyalty or background , so many thousands of victims of our vicious little civil war have received care since those nights in August 1969 .
23 Hilts has fallen under the spell of each in turn — not so deeply as to distort fact , but deeply enough to lose the sardonic , sceptical qualities that ought never quite to desert the journalist .
24 The later Mariner 10 probe , launched in 1974 , confirmed that the dense sulphuric clouds moved across the sky so rapidly as to create violent storms at the surface .
25 It is the most promising ‘ global language ’ candidate , or at least the most likely to permeate other languages so thoroughly as to amount to the same thing .
26 Trotsky went so far as to call the agreement ‘ an ecclesiastical NEP ’ , implying a similar tolerance to that meted out to ‘ kulaks ’ or to Nepmen , but this was a superficial and short-sighted judgement redolent with propaganda .
27 However , as the results of the first inspections started to come in the seriousness of the problem was realised and the US authorities eventually went so far as to call for the use of specially made ultrasonic probes for detecting cracks round the fastener holes .
28 Indeed Sockett ( 1980 ) goes so far as to call accountability based on prespecified results ‘ anti-educational ’ .
29 Leaving no stone unturned for its Destiny launch , the telephone company offshoot went so far as to score still another first , announcing SVR4.2 simultaneously in Europe , the Far East , the US and Russia , reportedly at a Unix user group meeting , facilitated by the famed Esther Dyson .
30 In the second half of the nineteenth century such sentiments had fostered the growth of a small but vigorous school of Siberian regionalist writers and political activists ( oblastniki ) , some of whom had even gone so far as to envisage the complete political separation of Siberia from Russia and the establishment of a new , independent Siberian republic .
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