Example sentences of "so [adv] that it " in BNC.

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1 The memory of their night together haunted her so relentlessly that it was daylight before she fell into an uneasy , exhausted sleep .
2 As has been previously noted he gave much attention to the unique colour of the Cumbrian mountains and this he combined with the sunlight and shadows falling on the hills so skilfully that it is possible for an observer with local knowledge , to tell the warmth of the sun or the time of day.Just as the mountains give colour to the lakes , so in turn do they reflect the colours of the sky .
3 Alas , there is no way this can be overcome but it occurs so rarely that it is not in itself an outstanding problem .
4 They do it so rarely that it is good for them .
5 She blinked at that , something she did so rarely that it was noticeable .
6 He did this so effectively that it is to this day referred to as the Wallace Line .
7 Not only does mental disability vary so widely that it ultimately defies definition , but the extent to which a given mental disability , in so far as it can be measured in clinical terms , handicaps a person will depend not only upon the disability itself but on the patient 's social circumstances as well .
8 Thus the Free Presbyterians ( and other conservative Christians ) who picketed a newly opened sex shop on the Castlereagh Road in Belfast ( so successfully that it closed ) saw themselves , not as denying anyone their basic right to sin , but as preventing further incitement and encouragement to sin .
9 For a moment his attractiveness shone so powerfully that it almost sabotaged the warning bells sounding strident alarm inside Charity 's head .
10 In captivity , a good memory and fear will destroy the horse if it is handled so badly that it becomes permanently anxious .
11 We play football and I score a goal , mainly because everyone except Stewpid is playing so badly that it 's difficult to miss … .
12 For fear of losing one or two sales of its obsolete mainframes , IBM designed the RT so badly that it had to junk the machine completely and start again from scratch to create the ( incompatible ) RS/6000 .
13 But I was trembling so badly that it shook the knife out of my skin , and I could move again .
14 He knew that the animal would either kill Sir Henry or would hurt him so badly that it would be easy to complete the murder . ’
15 ‘ God , ’ he muttered against her neck , ‘ you can be the most impossible woman I 've ever met , but I want you so badly that it hurts . ’
16 The candle flickered again , so badly that it almost flickered out .
17 She loved him so much that it was painful to just stand there watching him , and her eyes filled with easy tears .
18 Then his good mood evaporated so entirely that it might never have been .
19 You were pretty then , but now — ’ he stood back and surveyed her so admiringly that it was impossible to take offence ‘ — now you 're absolutely beautiful . ’
20 Yet she had timed her appearance so exactly that it seemed as if she had been forewarned of the train 's arrival .
21 Their last meeting had ended so unpleasantly that it was difficult to change course suddenly .
22 It naturalises itself so easily that it almost becomes a weed .
23 Had it been deliberate Edouard hesitated , unsure ; it had happened so quickly that it was difficult to know .
24 That 's something which has developed so quickly that it 's almost ahead of us ( as it were ) in terms of planning .
25 All the time , the two boys followed Fagin everywhere , and every time he turned round , they moved out of his sight so quickly that it was impossible to follow their movements .
26 They 'd get so much grain and they 'd eat it so quickly that it swelled out before they had time to digest it .
27 During the first few tens of Ma Jupiter would cool so quickly that it hardly matters what the initial temperatures were provided that they were at least a few times 10 000 K. After a few hundred Ma , the exact time depending on the initial temperatures but in any case a small fraction of Jupiter 's lifetime , the rate of cooling would be far less .
28 This , of course , happens so quickly that it appears that the letters are displayed as a direct mechanical response to the keypress .
29 Isabel shoved her chair back so quickly that it almost toppled over .
30 The move took place in early December and we settled in so quickly that it is difficult to believe we have been in our new offices for less than a year .
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