Example sentences of "so [adv] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So I took the name and address and so eventually a summons came through for this old lady .
2 His pride of heart and condition may again take place and a man who could in so little a space first love me , then hate , then banish me his house and now send for me again in such affectionate terms may still waver , may still deceive thee .
3 While Solomon is posing as a German soldier , for example , he makes a botched attempt to surrender to the Russians that results in his inadvertently capturing their position — but the irony is passed over in so offhand a fashion that one barely notices it .
4 ‘ Everything 's very strange down here , so perhaps a mouse can talk . ’
5 So perhaps a lot of the times but I would have maybe suggested that , that we could have done and presented that as part of the package .
6 Now a compression is , pressure on the brain , caused by fracture , bleed or blood clot now if a person has been suffering from concussion and it 's gone unnoticed , that bleed could be just carrying on and on and on and it could take up to four to five days before the compression shows itself so perhaps a week later they 're sitting down to breakfast saying ooh my head hurts , now the poor wife or husband , or whoever it is does n't know about that knock on the head that they had previously , unless somebody 's told them about it mm , so your casualty now is going to have this headache and a beauty , they 're going to be confused their levels of consciousness it will deteriorate face is very hot , dry flushed the pupils will become unequal and because of the pressure breathing becomes noisy if you feel the pulse , it 's going to be slow and strong and you will get paralysis on the opposite side to the compression , what are , what are the signs and symptoms of ?
7 So perhaps an astronaut who fell into a black hole would be able to make money at roulette by remembering where the ball went before he placed his bet .
8 She had of course questioned the decision that had left her heiress to Tara , while Fergus , so indisputably a leader , so plainly possessing the natural authority Grainne believed she lacked , was relegated to the command of the Fiana .
9 He urged his horse forward to the very edge of the moat , for he had not so loud a voice as his nephew .
10 ‘ Not so much a naan bread , more a toasted duvet , ’ I 'd said .
11 It is worth speculating on whether , from the locals ' point of view , the proliferation of village organizations reflects not so much a flourishing of community life as a symbol of its downfall .
12 He had not worked out tactics to deal with what was not so much a surrender as a bid to form an immediate alliance .
13 Lennox Lewis , as a man who did so much a fortnight ago to give boxing back its dignity , must be allowed to move from ringside tonight to ring next spring if heavyweight boxing is going to complete the process of rehabilitation .
14 This is not so much a criticism as a view shared by many , including MPs and key civil servants at the Welsh Office .
15 The italicised utterance is not so much a paraphrase as a summary .
16 John Clare testifies to the wholesale obliteration of landmarks , and the subsequent consciousness of alienation ; The Female Vagrant is not so much a poem by Wordsworth as a case-history .
17 Richard seemed to me to have changed so much , become humourless and uncertain-tempered , a family man who grumbled because his socks were not mended and his shirts not ironed properly , so that I was slightly nervous of him and also resentful : I felt that I had become , in his eyes , so much a wife , that he would see my new involvement as a nice occupation for me , like embroidery or dressmaking .
18 It was n't so much a case of thinking : he looks a lovely chappie .
19 In the sense of their access to political power it was not so much a case that women were ‘ returned ’ to the family since they had never really left it to go out to get power — rather they had traditionally exercised power , if at all , by virtue of their familial positions and as the public and private spheres were separated , women were left behind .
20 Indeed , it is not so much a case of them accompanying the AIB team members as of them being part of the team .
21 Your selection of wayward notices ( 27th November ) reminded me of one I saw in my hotel in Frankfurt — not so much a case of bad translation , as a question of logic .
22 It is , then , not so much a case of ellipsis occurring in informal speech as of writing requiring a degree of elaboration that is not necessary in informal speech .
23 It is not so much a case of Captain Bob as of Major John and Petty Officer Newton .
24 It was not so much a case of social science theories being senseless , misguided or absurd , but more to do with their serious lack of evidential support .
25 However , jailing Shields for three months , Sheriff William Fulton told him : ‘ It is not so much a case of stealing from this house as plundering it , ransacking it and leaving it in an awful mess .
26 It was not so much a case of Glasgow getting worse as one of the rest of the country improving faster .
27 Though Masonry was always to be an element in the liberal forces — particularly in later non-socialist brands of Republicanism — it was never again , as it was from 1815 to 1820 , its chief framework ; even then it was not so much a system of belief as the only clandestine organization available for conspiracy .
28 We had nothing at all to live on ; but one day I received a sum of money that we managed to divide up so that it lasted for many weeks , just so much a day .
29 For her , the trade of compositor was more an intellectual calling , not so much a craft and she found her work fascinating , reading as she went .
30 Jaromil is not so much a character as a type , and is not unlike the Shelleyan poet in Shaw 's Candida , Eugene Marchbanks .
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