Example sentences of "so [adv] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He had n't been doing and er reckon he and er think I 'm and that was it so right Been driving since he was nineteen
2 The rating on which young people do so badly is derived only from that fraction of employers who say they are different .
3 Money-Go-Round : Never has so much been owed by so many
4 Those fighter pilots were praised by Churchill , when he made his famous announcement that ‘ Never in the history of human conflict had so much been owed to so few by so many ’ .
5 Never has so much been expected of general medical practitioners and practice staff ; general practitioners are being pressed to do audit , participate in commissioning , become fundholders , do research , improve consumer responsiveness , and develop new skills in the transfer of services from secondary to primary care and development of community care .
6 Their potential has already been recognised and exploited in other fields — schools will not so much be moving with the times as running to catch up .
7 It also has the basic shape of the big continental breeds which are so eagerly being imported by British farmers .
8 A disciplined , regular army was about to drive the gunmen from streets which had for so long been ruled by rival guerrillas exacting their own terrible day-to-day justice .
9 It appeared the world had the evidence it had so long been seeking .
10 Partly because the machinery of repression has been so all-embracing for so long , stifling any messages of opposition before they reached a platform , and partly because Romania has for so long been cut off from the mainstream of European thinking and political change , constructive ideas have been hard to come by .
11 The second site , at Chedworth , has for so long been accepted as the typical Romano-British villa , that one hesitates to question its function .
12 The one at Marham in Norfolk incorporates a World War One aeroplane of unspecified type and that at Upwood the Canberra which has for so long been associated with the RAF station .
13 72 per cent said that nutritional information made it easier to choose the healthy , balanced diet , which has so long been urged by health educationalists and consumer bodies .
14 In November 1983 Milan Kundera wrote an essay for Le Débat , in which he argued that Russia could never really be considered part of Europe because it had for so long been dominated by Caesaropapism , where the civil emperor is also the supreme religious leader .
15 It was not until the following Monday that the affidavits on which Julia had worked so hard and for so long were presented to the court .
16 IT 'S so simple and logical , you wonder why it was so long being invented shampoo in a bar .
17 She tried to control herself , but the will which had driven her for so long was broken , whether forever , or temporarily , she did not know .
18 Something inside that empty bottle that I had ignored for so long was hitting back .
19 The letters they exchanged were formal , just words on a piece of paper ; the warmth they had all shared for so long was missing .
20 From some depth of courage and purpose she who had been silent so long was finding the will to speak at last .
21 If we can establish that literacy practice involved a socially variable set of conventions ( as I hope this book will make a contribution to doing ) , then claims for its consequences will not so easily be disguised as universal truths .
22 A great deal of effort also needs to be devoted to enhancing the social standing of the cleaners because they can so easily be regarded as inferior by other staff irrespective of their skills .
23 ‘ My experience is that hackers are the world 's innocents — they can so easily be manipulated , ’ he said .
24 But he never explained how it is that we can so easily be led by involuntary desire .
25 None of this need be numerical , sometimes numbers are used to provide a pseudo precision which can be counterproductive because the validity of the numbers can so easily be questioned .
26 This is because strategy can so easily be influenced by the needs , idiom and comfort of planning .
27 Trailing wires can so easily be cut when trimming back hedges or mowing long grass .
28 But if the support for the SNP was , like the Liberal vote , a substantially ‘ cross-class ’ phenomenon it can not so easily be categorised as a flight from ‘ class ’ as pertinent social collectivity , since it must be recognised that the ‘ national distinctiveness ’ of Scotland is overdetermined by the differential balance of classes in Scotland as opposed to England .
29 Nigel and I were , above all , struck by the sympathetic treatment of an area which could so easily be spoiled .
30 Of what use was the truth , she asked herself bitterly , when it could so easily be turned against her ?
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