Example sentences of "so [conj] [noun prp] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Such an approach has been influential even amongst professional historians , so that Lawrence Stone , for example , hints at such a cyclical explanation in his own work on The Family , Sex and Marriage : ‘ In terms of both sexual attitudes and power relationships , one can dimly begin to discern huge , mysterious , secular swings from repression to permissiveness and back again . ’
2 So that Aunt Margaret can sell things to people by writing the prices down , she being dumb . ’
3 And when you come down , remember to do so with dignity , so that Dom João will not be thinking that he is betrothed to a tinker 's daughter . "
4 The fact that Paul McCartney and Mick Jagger ( Bryan Ferry could n't come because he had a cold ) were at my d'Offay Gallery opening last year raised it into a social event , so much so that Robin Vousden said , ‘ We have n't had an opening like this since Andy Warhol ’ .
5 One primary intervention therefore was for me to liaise regularly with the ward so that Mrs Allen was fully informed about the situation .
6 The lights are always there so that Mrs Thatcher , at whatever hour , may choose to be seen on TV sweeping through saying nothing , thus demonstrating that she is Prime Minister and going busily about the nation 's business .
7 When that number was over people started calling for order so that Mrs Buckley could do one of her songs .
8 ‘ Interfering old bag , ’ muttered Gloria so that Mrs Parvis probably heard .
9 Why had n't she arranged for the house to be sold so that Fabien de Rochefort could at least be repaid to some extent ?
10 Mr in his statement C thirty three , had said quote , although he wished to care for Anna Jane as long as possible , I have already begun to have problems with my back therefore we intend to introduce the use of carers gradually so that Anna Jane gets used to them .
11 There were insufficient funds for a third appointment so that Allan Hayhurst had to carry on in an honourary capacity combining once again the offices of Secretary and Treasurer .
12 Over a period of a few days during early August the world 's perception of the Kingdom shifted dramatically , so that King Hussein was no longer portrayed as one of the chief US allies in the region , but instead as one of Saddam Hussein 's prime collaborators .
13 To keep it simple , a data handling service is bundled in , so that Saunders Jeffries acts as the bridge between the retailer and the bank for credit card transactions as well as electronically updating the till 's list of stolen cards .
14 ‘ Ca n't you see ? ’ , he would ask ; ‘ do n't you feel … ca n't you hear ? ’ , as he rushed from one place or book or topic to another , expecting others to have the same reactions , so that Frank Tait , a cultured and intelligent man , described how he ‘ hurried out of breath to seem less far behind ’ .
15 But I wondered how to arrange things so that Émile Chaillot told him .
16 The first three shows last September really were filmed live , and the temperature in the first club reached 152°F scrambling the digital equipments programming , so that Matt Bianco found themselves miming to a completely different tune .
17 It is hoped that some of this will go towards special development project for the north east so that Jennie Appleby can come onto the staff on a more permanent basis .
18 Despite this , the House of Lords rejected any concept of commercial equivalence so that Lord Atkin held : It was contended that in all commercial contracts the question was whether there was " substantial " compliance with the contract : there must always be some margin and it is for the tribunal of fact to determine whether the margin is exceeded or not .
19 The language of the Code is taken to constitute the major premise so that Lord Herschell said in Bank of England v Vagliano Brothers [ 1891 ] AC 107 : " [ T ] he law should be ascertained from interpreting the language used instead of , as before , roaming over a vast number of authorities in order to discover what the law was … " ( p145 ) .
20 So maybe the Indians understood this and tipped up the raft because they were trying to kill Father Firmin ( me ! ) so that Father Antonio would survive and baptise them .
21 ‘ First the Law Lords allowed a breach of the Homicide Act so that Tony Bland died by involuntary euthanasia , then a Select Committee on euthanasia was set up in their Lordships ' House , only to be rechristened ‘ Medical Ethics ’ .
22 Hundreds of riot police then charged repeatedly at scores of Left-wingers and pushed them back from the podium so that President Weizsaecker could begin his speech .
23 As for Peter and Pat Lawford , they fixed it so that John Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe could screw around without Jackie finding out .
24 Staff and pupils were on first name terms , so that Miss Clifton was Cliffy to her face , and Anna Essinger , who had been dubbed Tante Anna in German , was known simply as T A. The children contributed to the maintenance of their school , to the extent of making furniture and cleaning and repairing the building .
25 There were other more unusual tasks — warming the Bible in front of the fire ready for Miss Phoebe 's daily reading , and putting a bowl of mustard and water under the table so that Miss Jarman could soak her feet during breakfast .
26 Christine lowered her voice , so that Miss Miggs should n't hear .
27 At weekends a special train was kept with steam up in the hotel station yard , so that Mr Stanford could leave at moment 's notice if his business affairs called .
28 The remarks grew ever more debased and treacherous so that Mr Charles — at least so he claimed — was obliged to intervene with the suggestion that such talk was bad form .
29 And then , as she sat watching the dancers , Molly thought of something which made her shiver , so that Ken Corduroy , noticing it , thought she felt cold in the dark garden and offered her the sweater which , like so many of the older guests , he wore knotted about his neck .
30 But all the previously jagged edges are ironed out and the sound watered down , presumably by the omnipresent hand of The Man , so that Billy Ray Wanker fans will buy it .
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