Example sentences of "so [verb] back [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Okay erm so going back to these we 've got day s say stay play pray .
2 So going back to the parallel , have you had any thoughts about it ?
3 Erm so going back to this one , E to the minus nought point three .
4 So going back to where we came in .
5 Of course the Korg A2 is the heart of the system and the real subject of this review , so getting back on track I 'll get into what Korg have managed to put together .
6 So get back to work , stream down those torch beams , work overtime , burn the candle at both ends , slog on when I 'm asleep , and remember , I 'm supporting you .
7 So get back to nature , try alternatives to conventional toiletries and techniques , and discover some New Age solutions to your health and beauty problems .
8 ‘ He is so laid back about it all .
9 He carried on flying , looking for a place to land and so flew back to the wireless station and decided to land in a field next to it .
10 I see , so coming back to er making the pills and silver on it and gold , was this er sort of foe the aristocracy more ?
11 So coming back to me on that .
12 I was cold and stiff , so went back to my chamber to warm myself .
13 I was , as usual , appallingly nervous , so went back during the lunch hour to practise .
14 Right , so what we 're going to do is create a dummy variable to test that hypothesis , right , so if you press the escape key , right , and work your way back towards erm the data processing sort of environment , so go back to the post regression menu through the backtracking menu erm , when you 're in the backtracking menu , go to option six , which is the process plot edit option right , now press the return key in the data processing menu , right , and that will get you to the data processing environment when we can start messing about with our variables .
15 Speeding up urban traffic could save 10 per cent of fuel , and so cut back on carbon dioxide .
16 Right so to get back to what I gave you , you 'll take three off .
17 So to get back to what we say er yeah I like to fix a date and if people phone up and say well look I 've I 've got something else or I 've changed my mind I would rather have that than to have lots of paper work on my desk that just says may be or may be not .
18 So to get back to the serious matter Mr Mayor if I may .
19 you go right through the tunnel and this Queen 's Drive was ooh , about a mile or two out of Liverpool so to get back to the tunnel you come down Upper Parliament Street , I 'll never forget to my dying day , and it was down hill and these traffic lights down the bottom should of been should of been , but they were n't operating , they were digging th
20 Yet , as much as reversion to primitivism , so settling back into childhood enjoyment and innocence was undesirable to Eliot .
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