Example sentences of "as [subord] by [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Squawking madly in what appeared to be a family squabble over the direction they should take , they suddenly closed ranks , as if by order , and formed a perfect vee behind their leader .
2 as if by way of explanation that a cousin of hers should be married to a bailiff , she now added , ‘ My cousin was very young when she married .
3 And , as if by way of celebration , summer 's arrived .
4 The two men with whom he had shared the compartment from Moscow stood away from him , as if by choice .
5 ‘ Did Pickwick sign himself in ? ’ asked Oliver , wandering as if by chance after her .
6 Unmarried nephews are spoken of , as if by chance , and the names of youthful widowers off-handedly mentioned .
7 Sometimes he said good things as if by chance .
8 As Arno Mayer ( 1971 , p. 45 ) commented , ‘ as if by reflex , the counter-revolution borrows its central ideas , objectives , styles and methods from the revolution ’ .
9 as if by retribution , the sick electrician made a remarkable recovery and the pumps resumed their efficient , reliable operation .
10 In another corner was an equally decrepit cabinet which displayed a handful of publicity stills that were changed twice weekly , along with the dayglo signwriting on the marquee , as if by legerdemain .
11 But it was its political and artistic daring , enhanced by the most attractively human of values , that the rest of us so admired — ‘ those little films ’ , someone very accurately said , ‘ which are , as if by accident , important . ’
12 Laying herself down beside Cad again in the hot room under the single sheet , she instructed her sister carefully , how she was to find Tommaso Talvi in town the next day , to come across him as if by accident , and then , if no one was listening , she was to give him a message .
13 So Caterina the next day ran into Tommaso on an errand as if by accident and muttered to him ; she was twisting her limbs and quite red with fear , but he followed her as she ducked awkwardly into the church and knelt in front of the Madonna of the Spasm in the votive chapel .
14 ‘ Do n't hide from me , ’ he murmured , excusing his action yet failing to release her wrist after he 'd forced her hand down , his thumb moving over the inside of her wrist as if by accident .
15 But , as he pulled out her chair and let his fingers skim as if by accident across her shoulders , red lights started to flash a warning .
16 Dry , burning , biting , pressure in the eyes , as if by dust with itching .
17 The power moves his hand , as if by magnetism , but he forces it back , to touch the phial of Galadriel and be momentarily relieved .
18 Rachaela , as if by suggestion , felt suddenly weak .
19 Fragments of slate appeared as if by magic on the lawn .
20 And ‘ kiddie ’ catches ’ which lock base unit doors as if by magic ( but with a magnet ) can also be fitted .
21 She proceeds to demonstrate , and within no time at all half a toothpick is stuck to her forehead , as if by magic .
22 Then as if by magic the crowd melted away to let the struggling policemen through .
23 As he approaches the garage door it swings open as if by magic — in fact by electricity , activated by a remote-control device in Vic 's pocket — a feat that never fails to give him a deep , childlike pleasure .
24 as if by magic .
25 Suddenly , as if by magic , many of the barrows and their owners disappeared .
26 Curiosity has drawn millions of visitors over hundreds of years , to see cascading water turn everyday objects to stone — as if by magic !
27 as if by magic , a stereo disc or tape heard through headphones produces a surround of sound .
28 We had dinner and a floor show , when part of the floor rose up as if by magic and a cabaret was presented .
29 She sniffed , and blew her nose on a large white handkerchief which had appeared as if by magic .
30 The receptionist then writes clearly , ‘ You will be told when it is announced ’ , and as if by magic one of those charming , immaculate stewardesses will make sure that you do know .
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