Example sentences of "as [art] [adj -er] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As the elder boy and Lan turned away in relief , the mandarin let his hand fall on the bamboo cane ; he rolled it between his fingers for a moment before glancing up at his younger son again .
2 Yes , Clinton told the world 's press , he was personally committed to maintaining the ‘ special relationship ’ , and he was pleased to accept the advice of Major as the elder statesman .
3 Bill and John : presidential praise for the Prime Minister as the elder statesman
4 Earlier we might have said his conduct and manner of speech were appropriate for one who wished to renounce the status he had stolen , and show his recognition of Esau 's authority as the elder son .
5 As the elder son , he had responsibilities over and above those to his fiancée . ’
6 Or else it could indicate genuine remorse , and , even more important , an acknowledgement of Esau 's status as the elder brother .
7 As the elder brother , it was his privilege and his right to ‘ go oot ’ whenever the fancy took him , especially as he was a toiler .
8 Sukarno was hailed as the Elder Brother of the Indonesian people .
9 Last year a group of 45 Fortune 500 chief executives and university presidents , known as the Business-Higher Education Forum , published a report saying that the country could not ignore the growing isolation of its inner-city minorities .
10 Plunder and lawlessness from the free-born slowly emerge as the greater menace .
11 Yet what do we then make of a Gallup finding ( 21 — 6 May 1987 ) that , when asked to choose between inflation and unemployment as the greater threat to them and their families , 49 per cent chose inflation and only 43 per cent unemployment ?
12 The army , which had overthrown the government of President Ramsewak Shankar in December 1990 [ see pp. 37912-13 ] , apparently perceived the SLA as the greater threat and had been keen to isolate it .
13 There can be no argument that , on average , women are physically smaller than men , and there are other features such as the greater proportion of fatty tissue which give men the advantage in relation to tolerance of heat stress and physical effort involving fast or heavy work or awkward posture .
14 Hill was eventually persuaded to drop this proposal to gain acceptance for what he regarded as the greater reform : that price should be independent of distance .
15 This especially applies to the large pointed snail known as the greater pond snail or freshwater whelk .
16 It seems likely that child labour underground increased after 1815 as the greater use of wheeled wagons on rail tracks brought the drawing of coal within their physical capabilities .
17 Moreover , smoother driving is as much a characteristic of Tempo 30 as the lower overall speeds , as Döldissen has shown ( Figure 6.30 ) .
18 Even in Northern Ireland , the districts are best thought of as the lower tier in a system that simply lacks a democratically elected higher level of local government .
19 As the lower layer sediments , the upper layer continues to cool and crystallization begins again .
20 As a consequence of reduced blood-clotting capacity , slowly developing painless swellings may appear in dependent areas such as the lower abdomen and intermandibular space , and on the limbs where bruising has occurred .
21 The North Committee recommended a reformulation of the offence of reckless driving so as to encompass ‘ very bad driving ’ of a wider kind , retaining careless driving as the lower offence .
22 This lead was strengthened by higher spot transactions costs ( measured by the drop in transactions costs post Big Bang ) as the incentive to trade futures rather than shares is increased , by bad news ( measured as the lower quartile of returns ) as short selling shares is difficult , by high spot volatility and by high spot volume .
23 The treatment of group benefits such as the lower group interest rates on borrowings .
24 You should find it easy to consume 35g of fibre daily , and we suggest this as the lower limit in order to achieve the slimming benefits described in the previous chapters .
25 Virginia Bottomley made a brief appearance at the chaotic ‘ Jennifergate ’ press conference , but Central Office has failed to make use of her reassuring presence as the gentler face of Toryism to help soothe public anxieties over the NHS reforms .
26 They are as much a part of a history of sexuality as the grander organisation of sexual codes .
27 The tough leathery top surface of a mature leaf is not so easy to penetrate as the softer epidermis of the underside , which is why mildew in particular can often be found by turning over leaves that are glossy and apparently quite healthy , even protected by fungicidal deposit , on the top .
28 A vet described it as the worse case of neglect he 'd ever seen .
29 More conventional thinkers in the Labour leadership saw discretion as the better part of valour and held their fire .
30 From what I can recall of his earlier set for EMI ( 12/85 ) , these more recent 1991 recordings ( made in Hanover 's Beethovensaal ) certainly demonstrate a recognition of discretion as the better part of valour .
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