Example sentences of "as [art] [adj -er] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The Z1 Carbonate is also widely referred to as the Zechsteinkalk and in N.E. England it is known locally as the Lower and Middle Magnesian Limestone ( Brueren 1959 ; Füchtbauer 1964 and 1972 ; Richter-Bernburg 1955 ; Rhys 1975 ; Smith 1980 ; Taylor 1981 ; Taylor and Colter 1975 ; van Adrichem-Boogaert and Burgers 1983 ; Wagner et al .
2 As the shier and more uncertain of the two brothers , his problem was n't to be wimpish but to be funny , and he knew immediately that the comedy had to come up out of the character , not just out of what he said .
3 In this case , as in others , television docudrama set itself up as the tidier and balancer of history .
4 But there is a darker aspect for he is liable to be suspected of misusing his magical powers as a sorcerer or purveyor of evil spells and potions .
5 You may be written off as a malingerer or a neurotic or , perhaps even worse , as someone who must be gently humoured back to health .
6 Like many others from the 1960s and before , I am fortunate that I missed the modern way and so view science as a richer and altogether more fulfilling experience .
7 Subject searching is generally , and probably correctly , seen as a richer and more important research area than investigation of author and other known-item search activity .
8 Some people would like to stop these changes and go back to what they see as a purer and simpler age .
9 The programme began in September , 1987 with a three year , £1.9 million funding to explore the use of interactive video as a further and higher education training medium .
10 As a younger and have plenty of time to worry about the menopause before it happens
11 The latter had been described as a pewterer and metaller in 1666 ( see The Boke off Recorde of Kirkbie-Kendall , ed. by R. S. Fergusson ) later to become the well beloved " first and modern mayor of the Burgh " ( 1684 ) , and re-elected in 1708 .
12 The offender arranged for the two girls to swim at a local swimming pool where he was employed as a cleaner after it had closed .
13 Julie has worked with the company for two years and her mother also works in the factory as a cleaner and canteen assistant .
14 But what if your last job was as a cleaner or temporary postman , just because it fitted your circumstances — say to work within school hours ?
15 On the other hand if marketing is seen and pursued as a facet of good communications and as a faster and better response to needs then everyone can be a winner .
16 The breed originated from the Jutland Black Pied , which was known a century ago as a hardier but less productive type of the black pied lowland group and had been bred in Denmark for a very long time .
17 and trading with them as a happier and satisfied customer .
18 When the British were attacked for their role in the Boer War , Hyndman and Quelch for the British Social Democratic Federation prepared a dossier on the crimes of other imperial powers as the basis for condemning all — and so exonerating the British as no worse than the rest .
19 She thought he was a hard man because he had spoken of the sturdy beggars as no better than wolves to be strung up on trees as a warning to others ; he certainly had not helped her to escape out of pity .
20 A seasoned assessor will soon spot someone who is not taking an active and full part in the activity and it will be regarded as no better than trying to force your way on to the centre stage .
21 Earning the obedience and respect of the women in the house , who saw her as no better than they were , was yet another obstacle .
22 A competitor like Hewlett-Packard Co , which earlier this year took its own lumps for baiting-and-switching , says the machine is ‘ neither fish nor fowl , ’ describing it as ‘ too severely compromised to be a workstation ’ and dismissing it as no better than a 50MHz 80486 box .
23 Cromwell had thrown in his lot with the Levellers when it suited him two years before and so was regarded by them as no better than a mutineer himself when he turned against them .
24 Indeed a hedonist would be unnecessarily cautious if he were content to defend his grounds of choice as no better nor worse than those of other ethical schools .
25 Erm I think we probably envisage those as no bigger than six at the outside people in any one house , domestic scale housing is what is envisaged there .
26 Boswell puts into perspective the size of ancient sites of worship , by assessing the entire site at two acres and the ‘ whole extent of the building ’ as no larger than ‘ an ordinary Highland house ’ .
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