Example sentences of "as [art] [adj] but " in BNC.

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1 The chorographer ( though not Reyce ) points out : ‘ That p't of the countrye that is nere unto the sea is nothing so fruiffull neyther so comodious for cattell as the other but more fitte for sheepe and come , ’ and so contained many more 20s. men — upwards of 43 per cent in Blything hundred , and more than twice as many as in townships situated wholly on the clay .
2 Joely Richardson seems perfect as the loyal but frustrated lady of the manor , while archetypal ‘ bit of rough ’ Sean Bean could out-squint a King Cobra .
3 in another review of the criminal statistics , F. H. McClintock and N. H. Avison also direct us towards the relative stability in recorded crime levels between 1900 and 1914 which , they suggest , ‘ might be described as the stable but carefree Edwardian era ’ .
4 It was said that Horsley treated Hayling as the brilliant but wayward son he always wanted , but never had .
5 Matthew Marsh is entirely convincing as the easygoing but dogged Chris , and Amanda Boxer , with her sardonic , off-centre delivery , provides desperately needed comic relief .
6 The chief acting honours , however , go to Jean Marsh as the tense but battle-hardened Miss Madrigal .
7 In the late Forties , just as her career was sinking to its lowest ebb , and an English critic commented of her notorious egomania that ‘ only bad films are good enough for her ’ , she returned in triumph with one of her most brilliant performances , as the ageing but feisty actress Margo Channing who , to her emotional and professional cost , learns All About Eve ( directed by Joseph L. Mankiewicz , 1950 ) .
8 For a good part of the 1980s , GM languished in the doldrums — burdened by a a top-heavy bureaucracy , losing market share to Japanese and domestic rivals , and saddled with a reputation as the biggest but highest-cost and least efficient US car maker .
9 Many of Voight 's films have cast him as a none-too-bright but likeable hunk .
10 Stern 's ironic and humane gaze can stand as a tiny but glowing symbol of everything that Britain gained from his generation of migrants .
11 Mr Prichard remembers his grandmother as a warm but private person who liked nothing more than to sit beside the Thames at her home in Cholsey and to tend her beloved roses .
12 ‘ I would describe myself as a Communist but other Socialist traditions are also important . ’
13 Isabel 's quick kiss was like the peck of a very small bird , Kathleen 's cheek was downy as a fern-leaf but as cold .
14 IT HAS always been regarded as a guilty but harmless secret shared by thousands of women .
15 Try using any substantial cardboard box as a simple but effective filing cabinet .
16 Paatelainen had only been introduced as a substitute but he certainly made his presence felt in no uncertain manner with his 56th minute strike .
17 But he will probably avoid restating Britain 's position that it is mainly China 's responsibility to restore Hong Kong 's confidence , and will instead urge locals to build the territory as a separate but valuable part of the ‘ one country , two systems ’ model under which it is to return to China .
18 Banking and dealing room software house Kapiti Ltd , London has expanded the retail banking elements of its flagship wholesale banking and treasury product , Equation , and released it as a separate but fully integrated module , Retail Advantage : like Equation , Retail Advantage is a client-server-based package , but has enhanced facilities for producing customer profitability reports , on-screen or in report form , for quality management purposes ; it incorporates a real-time automatic teller machine gateway to provide on-line validation and updates of such transactions as cash withdrawals , and cheque book requests ; it includes an updated version of Kapiti 's front-end office automation ‘ cashier system ’ , which undertakes point of service validation , and includes a transaction definition toolkit for up-dating such items as commission or exchange rates ; it has a fund management capability , which can map onto clearing rules worldwide ; and it has multi-lingual capabilities , such as being able to generate multi-lingual customer reports ; the company gave no prices for it .
19 Already , too , one may see the start of a symbiotic relationship in which France would increasingly depend upon American resources to achieve purposes which , left to herself , would be beyond her , while American objectives , although they did not entirely coincide with the French and for all the power which they would ultimately deploy , had to include France as a frail but , for the moment , indispensable means by which they might be attained .
20 I believe that when Milton Friedman defends capitalism as a necessary but not sufficient condition to ensure a free society , it is not capitalism as an ideology to which he refers , but the guarantee by the state to respect private property rights .
21 He regards them as a necessary but tiresome ingredient in the successful running of the Empire .
22 Billy Turner signed for Crystal Palace from Bromsgrove in the summer of 1925 with a reputation as a skilled but tough little inside-forward .
23 It was built about one hundred and twenty years ago as a small but sturdy bungalow .
24 The early kerosene market was dominated by the American Standard Oil Company and Marcus Samuel realised the potential of Black Sea oil as a rival but had to design a new tanker to overcome stringent safety regulations operated by the Suez Canal .
25 In so doing , it may also win new respect in other areas of physics , where many see it as a fascinating but over-costly irrelevance .
26 I saw Lukic launch into the tackle and it looked , for all the world , like it was going to end up as a foul but I could n't see if it was outside the area .
27 I see the whole chapter as a subtle but misconceived footnote to Crime and Punishment ; in these pages , instead of brushing past Raskolnikov and Svidrigailov in his return upon the underground man , Dostoevsky has allowed himself to be obstructed by them , and the result is a Stavrogin who compounds Raskolnikov 's bracing himself to enter the police station ‘ as a man ’ and confess with Svidrigailov 's reaching out in all directions , including the far extremes of moral and physical debauchery , in the hope that something , it does n't matter what , will make him unbored .
28 The SCC is particularly concerned with campaigning : we aim to promote cycling as a partial but significant solution to the problems of urban congestion and pollution , because cycling is not only pollution-free but also flexible , cheap and above all , healthy .
29 The SCC is particularly concerned with campaigning : we aim to promote cycling as a partial but significant solution to the problems of urban congestion and pollution , because cycling is not only pollution-free but also flexible , cheap and above all , healthy .
30 The SCC is particularly concerned with campaigning : we aim to promote cycling as a partial but significant solution to the problems of urban congestion and pollution , because cycling is not only pollution-free but also flexible , cheap and above all , healthy .
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