Example sentences of "can turn [adv prt] to " in BNC.

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1 The majority of potentially battle-winning systems are pursued at or beyond the frontiers of existing technology where the risks of failure are high ; where cost estimates are notoriously uncertain ; and hence where the judgments of the soundest and most experienced men can turn out to be fallacious .
2 For what may be ‘ bossiness ’ in the home can turn out to be a valuable contribution of efficiency and ‘ drive ’ in a different setting , working with a team of strangers , where the usual social restraints keep it under reasonable control .
3 Even nipping into Boots to pick up a bottle of shampoo or popping into Woolworths for some pick 'n' mix can turn out to be a major sensory-assault course .
4 These can turn out to be expensive , making the return to work unfeasible for many middle to lower paid people ; they can also prove to be unreliable , which means that working mothers can find themselves alienating their employers through no fault of their own .
5 However , polls can turn out to be unreliable — as the UK discovered in its own general election earlier this year — and Cook places 11 states and their 124 votes in the toss-up column ; so the president may yet find himself coming home from behind , as he said in his Labour Day speech , like his famous predecessor , Harry Truman .
6 But choose we do , and any one of those choices can turn out to be effective and appropriate , or not .
7 Once we 're past it we can turn out to the open ocean .
8 Dig out your binoculars for lowland walks which can turn out to be wildlife treats because at this time of year the estuaries and low-lying areas around our coast are teeming with birdlife .
9 The trouble with life , it seems to me , is that it can turn out to be too late and you still have n't understood it . ’
10 Expecting something to be bad can turn out to be a self-fulfilling prophecy and thinking positively about labour may reduce the amount of pain relief needed .
11 What starts as a straightforward health issue can turn out to be an important medicolegal examination with implications subsequently at trial .
12 And as Mike Rowbottom reports , it seems that a trawl around the attic can turn out to be very profitable .
13 If this is the case , then this type of horse can turn out to be a sensitive and responsive ride , but may always be spooky in unfamiliar circumstances .
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