Example sentences of "can find the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In summer it is not so dense but that I can find the blackbird wherever it sings among its branches and not in Winter so agile but that its changing patterns are conspicuous against the sky , its sound an appreciable susurration using the harp strings of the wind .
2 So far the museum has raised about half the amount and fingers are crossed that they can find the rest before June .
3 Perhaps you can find the location of the earthly remains . ’
4 The new decision does not let Hampshire off the hook — the county must still find room for 66,500 new homes — but it accedes to the county 's own view that it can find the space more sensibly outside the north-east or central parts of the county .
5 At the very least I can find the keynote speaker at each one and chase him .
6 We have already seen that failure satisfactorily to surmount the Oedipus complex results in pre-Oedipal fixations , notably at the anal and oral stages , and it may be here that we can find the primitive , rudimentary superego elements which can , and indeed must , remain when the mature superego does not develop .
7 I can find the way with my eyes closed .
8 ‘ Now see if you can find the gravedigger .
9 rush over to see if we can find the pot of gold .
10 From this we can find the issue price as .
11 ‘ Only if we can find the document , ’ Charlotte cautioned .
12 So that all her figures are going to be all in one column so you can check them easily , you can add them up easily , you can find the total .
13 BRC runs residential homes where elderly refugees can find the help and comfort they need .
14 What is known is that the truce will only hold till the losing interest group can find the opportunity to create another conflict which it might win .
15 On the other hand , if the reader can find the patience to continue , he may find the variations in the repetition interesting and even helpful .
16 The question of my health is a difficult one , which I shall have to answer at length in a letter , if you can find the patience to read it .
17 We got to buy you new shoes again and God Almighty knows where we can find the money . ’
18 After all , if the Government can waste billions of pounds trying to bolster Norman Lamont 's disastrous ERM policies , I 'm sure it can find the money to keep Belinda 's dream alive .
19 Aegina claims to be , so far , the only place in Greece that has bothered to establish — and can find the money for — a sanctuary for injured birds and animals .
20 Wilko wanted Ndlove & the board said ‘ You 'd can find the money by selling Batty ’ ! !
21 Michael Croggon 's studies could help save the Amazonian rain forests … but only if he can find the money to fund his own daily care .
22 Darlington Tory MP and Schools Minister Michael Fallon , said : ‘ It is ironic Durham County Council can find the money for a new nursery a few weeks before the general election .
23 ‘ So I can find the driver .
24 It is a chance to go in your mind to a special place , known only to you , where you can find the peace and serenity you so desperately need .
25 Nobody can find the door .
26 It is published by the Law Society and lists all firms and organisations employing trainee solicitors by region and by specialism so you can find the firm offering the kind of work you want to do in the area you want to live .
27 Although in a numerical case we can find the degeneracy of AB by evaluating and studying C , it is instructive to examine ( 18 ) in numerical cases .
28 You can find the address of your Family Practitioner Committee in your local telephone directory , or ask for the address at your public library .
29 On the other hand , female members of the public who are involved in incidents other than those for which policewomen are normally assigned can find the preponderance of policemen disturbing and problematic .
30 You see , if only we know about it , if we — if we can find the key , we can go and play there every day .
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