Example sentences of "can use the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Erm what I 'm doing basically is er putting on as many exhibitions as I can using the centre 's name and making sure that I 've got a good amount of my work in there , although I do n't push anybody else out .
2 The point has been made that ‘ abusive ’ and ‘ insulting ’ are semantically very similar , and can be used more or less interchangeably ( the information or indictment can use the blunderbuss language of threatening , abusive or insulting without offending the rule against duplicity ) .
3 Consequently we can use the quotient theorem to prove that is a tensor .
4 You can use the Encyclopedia without a sound card , but the audio output is of such outstanding quality that you really would be missing out on the best feature if you do n't use one .
5 To find the spatial expression of v we can substitute for in v , or we can use the relationship derived above ( Equation 2.10 ) ) : so that which is the velocity .
6 The Humbersiders already have a top kicker in Paul Eastwood but think they can use the pace of Gallagher in their three-quarter line .
7 Bees can use the dance to point to things other than food .
8 You can use the help line and phone it over from where you are into England .
9 They can use the mischief rule if the statute is ambiguous , but must not ‘ invent fancied ambiguities ’ in order to do so .
10 You can use the rating scale to monitor changes over time in your youngster 's ability to cope with provocations .
11 With DOS 5 you can use the DIR command to examine subdirectories as well , so the command :
12 You can use the DIR command to find a file called HALIBUT.TXT .
13 Often patients come with considerable back or neck pain , but unless they can use the experience of crying to look at the repression of feeling in their lives , the effects of the massage is short-lived as the tensions quickly build up again .
14 You can use the word ‘ turtle ’ to prompt a child to go into the turtle reactions to avoid impulsive aggression .
15 VS Pritchett 's fan included James Wood of the Guardian , while John Walsh , literary editor of the Sunday Times , plumped for Anthony Burgess ( ‘ I love the way he can use the word ‘ onion ’ three times in one sentence ’ ) .
16 Now , we can use the word lost in a nu , a number of ways .
17 ‘ I can tell you that the transformation from Easington to here is quite dramatic , in fact you can use the word traumatic , ’ he says .
18 you can write down these words , that would then be given you a clue things that you could be saying to your customers , where , right , if you start thinking about the job that you 're doing and I give you the word where , right you think of the number of times you can use the word where , with a customer , right
19 Or if you 're frightened or if you 're very anxious , if you 're gon na do something important and you 've not done it before and you get a bit anxious , you can use the ylang-ylang which is the Oil of Tranquillity .
20 When people are lacking direction we can use the approach to generate enthusiasm , to create a sense of team spirit , energy and sense of purpose .
21 This book has been written with the objective both of making knowledge gained by research more easily accessible , and of demonstrating how in the course of providing services practitioners can use the knowledge and add to it by their own skill and commitment .
22 It becomes an integral part of lesson planning , and the students can use the board to develop their own teaching expertise .
23 Using a fast film such as 1000ASA , one can use the aquarium lights supplemented by natural light to get reasonable photographs without using flash .
24 We moved quickly on to what is normally the second lesson , snow plough turns , and then the third when thankfully you can use the rope tow .
25 for a short period of time which will have the same affect of building it up over the twenty five year period and you can use the money for er er other things .
26 Multiple operators can use the system simultaneously accessing data via different HP MS ChemStations and terminals .
27 New York-based RAM Mobile Data Inc and Mobile Data Turnkey Solutions have teamed up to offer Dispatcher , a Windows-based fleet despatch application for use on RAM 's mobile data network : the system consists of personal computer software and Millidyne STX 4000 mobile data terminals which are mounted in each driver 's vehicle ; drivers can use the system to report position and status , while controllers can see status reports ; all message transactions are recorded , and there is also a message store capability .
28 FAILURE I can use the system but part of it does n't work at all
29 ERROR I can use the system but part of it works incorrectly
30 SHORTCOMING I can use the system but part of it bothers me
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