Example sentences of "can only [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 It is like expert power in that it can only be exercised if others recognise and accept it .
2 The power of entry and search section 17(1) ( d ) of PACE can only be exercised if the police are in pursuit of the patient .
3 Paragraphs ( a ) and ( b ) provide a power to rectify that can only be exercised by the court .
4 Such freedom can only be exercised if the manager has the full authority to make decisions , without the need to ask a boss for approval , and without the chance that a boss might step in and alter or reverse the subordinate 's decisions .
5 This diligence can only be exercised once the curt papers have been served on the debtor .
6 ( 2 ) Where a document of title to goods has been lawfully transferred to any person as buyer or owner of the goods , and that person transfers the document to a person who takes it in good faith and for valuable consideration , then — ; ( a ) if the last-mentioned transfer was by way of sale the unpaid seller 's right of lien or retention or stoppage in transit is defeated ; and ( b ) if the last-mentioned transfer was made by way of pledge or other disposition for value , the unpaid seller 's right of lien or retention or stoppage in transit can only be exercised subject to the rights of the transferee . ’
7 Another distinction is between so called European type options which can only be exercised on the settlement day , and American type options which can be exercised at any time up to and including the settlement day .
8 Château de Monte Cristo : It can only be visited on Saturdays and Sundays .
9 This is a major area which can only be touched on here .
10 Physiology of Insect Muscles — Various aspects of the physiology of insect muscle , reviewed by Pringle ( 2966 ) , Usherwood ( 1967 , 1969 , 2975 ) , Aidley ( 1967 ) and others , can only be touched on here .
11 Like finance , the administration of the social services is a vast topic , which can only be touched on here .
12 The subject of tax reform is a topic in its own right and can only be touched upon here .
13 Like copepods , these 3–4mm brownish worms thrive in overfed aquaria , and can only be eradicated by syphoning them out at every opportunity , which may take months .
14 The mutual structure of building societies means that capital resources to finance expansion can only be built up out of retained surpluses .
15 We must husband a real wealth which lies in the land and its fruits : a self-sufficient society can only be built upon an agricultural basis .
16 It continued : " Reconciliation can only be built on truth . "
17 The restriction on volume and speed of delivery means that images can only be built up slowly , at a pace determined by the rate at which data arrives at the terminal .
18 He repeated the Comintern formula that " the united front can only be built up from below , by the workers themselves , not as a corrupt bargain of the reformist leaders and disorganisers of the struggle endeavouring to buy off the criticism of the revolutionaries , but as the solid class front of the workers " .
19 alcohol can only be served to persons taking table meals .
20 During 1987 blitzes by the HSE of over 1,000 prohibition notices , which can only be served where there is a risk of ‘ serious personal injury ’ were issued , but led to only 25 prosecutions .
21 In all these solutions the space-time can only be extended uniquely up to the fold singularities in regions II and III and the surface in region IV on which .
22 There is a three-month time limit , which can only be extended for good reasons .
23 Some proportional series , however , can only be extended along one axis at a time ; if an attempt is made to extend them along both axes simultaneously , unfillable structure points are created .
24 The time limit for appeal can only be extended under this section if the reasons stated by the board for its decision are reasons requested in terms of s.18(2) .
25 Version ranges can only be extended and modules may not be deleted from the displayed list .
26 However , the end result of the degree of competition in a market can only be observed in profitability .
27 The property in British ships can only be transferred by means of a bill of sale which is registered in the shipping register .
28 A ballot-paper can only be transferred as the result of a surplus if its value is .01 or more .
29 This means that a surplus of 38 votes can only be transferred if there are 3,800 voting papers or fewer which have expressed on them subsequent preferences for continuing candidates .
30 If the target is eventually sold for a profit , the benefit of the realised reserves can only be transferred to the original purchaser ( by dividend ) if the IHC has adequate distributable resources .
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