Example sentences of "can never [be] a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ These awful events create a drug culture which can never be a part of our culture , and they must be stopped , ’ Mr Clements said .
2 In the Freudian view of the development of the little girl , the clitoris is the centre of her infantile pleasure , until she realizes that it can never be a penis and must transfer her sexual centre to her vagina .
3 Sixty years after Schoenberg was making those remarks and nearly twenty years since Karajan made his recording of the Op. 31 Variations , it is still possible to meet the argument that the gramophone can never be a substitute for the sound of ‘ the real thing ’ in the concert-hall .
4 There can never be a good time to tackle the fears that go with the introduction of any new technology .
5 The lesson is that art and objects from the past can never be a rival to mass entertainment ; put art in close proximity to wax works , videos , sound effects , smellies , wenches in costume , recreations of ye olden days , and it pales , becomes invisible and irrelevant .
6 Secondly , Manne suggests that there is a more fundamental reason why there can never be a rule against the profitable use of inside information in the stock market .
7 But an important thing to recognise at the outset is that knowing about oneself can never be a matter of ‘ mere information ’ .
8 Self-knowledge can never be a matter of easy or immediate introspection .
9 Sir Karl Popper , whose ‘ Conjectures and Refutations ’ is crucial for understanding the recent philosophy of science , points out that the mind can never be a passive register of experience .
10 However , this can never be a free and equal contract , because the individual worker must have work at any price simply in order to survive , while the capitalist ( though needing workers ) can employ or sack any individual he chooses .
11 The Soviet Union can never be a party to the Treaty , and material breach gives no rights to non-parties .
12 In June he lectured " On Poetry " at Concord Academy , in which he repeated his claim that the poet can never be a successful man .
13 That is to say , the spin is either " up " or " down " with respect to that direction and it can never be a bit " sideways ' .
14 A terrestrial plant will always be stunted in growth and assimilation and can never be a match for a true aquatic plant .
15 ‘ But our relationship can never be a permanent one .
16 Hundreds of these survive ; and though they can never be a substitute for the originals , and raise very difficult problems of reliability , the best are beautiful and many are of real value to the art historian .
17 There can never be a purely mechanistic relationship between an organization and its environment .
18 There can never be a time when there was a greater need for UK companies to find new markets .
19 There can never be a surfeit of the propagation of that fundamental message of grace .
20 Does this mean there can never be a land for the Palestinians , and that Jews and Arabs may not live together in peace ?
21 We can never be a hundred per cent sure with security , we are , it is a public building , we do encourage er patients and their relatives to come up on to the children 's wards as part of the treatment er to make it a much more homely atmosphere .
22 In this country it can never be a major contributor of energy .
23 It seems there can never be an absolute spectacle overpowering cowed spectators : some hair will always get in the gate .
24 This would mean that there can never be an authentic speech of the other as such , a position which certainly troubles Levinas ' fundamental argument .
25 If , as Parsons puts it , there can never be an id-impulse as such for the individual , since it must always be seen as part of the expressive symbolism of a common culture , then it is not possible to envisage the possibility of someone being in conflict with their society 's common culture .
26 Since 1st November 1990 , at the applicant 's discretion , the words , ‘ assisted by the Commissioner for the Rights of Trade Union Members ’ , can be added after their name in the title of proceedings , although the Commissioner can never be an actual party to those proceedings .
27 There can never be an excuse for what happened to James Bulger , but we should all hope that some day there will be a better understanding of why it happened .
28 Transport has so many social implications of one kind or another that there can never be an arm 's length relationship …
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