Example sentences of "can often [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In improvising , a player can often create spontaneously something much superior to what can be written down with the crude approximation of notation .
2 Likewise a television dramatisation of British social history can often bring home to pupils the harsh realities of the workhouse and desperation of unemployed and impoverished labourers in the early nineteenth century .
3 It can often arise even when people are a mere few pounds overweight .
4 Those issues all interact , of course ; like those fiendish three-dimensional puzzles that children can often do more easily than adults , the pieces have to be put together simultaneously , or the whole thing falls apart .
5 So a fourth reason for planting new churches is that a young and vibrant expression of church life is encouraged which can often grow faster than the older churches .
6 One can often choose just a few significant words for the accompaniment , and avoid the rest .
7 Finally , hypnosis is usually carried out some time after the police have done their normal questioning , but memory of an event can often improve spontaneously after an interval of time has passed ; this phenomenon is known as the ‘ reminiscence effect . ’
8 Thus , when we are told that everything is ‘ OK ’ we prefer to believe that this is so , although what people say can often contain far deeper and more subtle feelings and personal emotions .
9 With the whole fleet converging on the first mark it can often get rather chaotic , as everyone is eager to blast off on to the reach .
10 A good substitute might be one of those huge Victorian or Edwardian wardrobes which you can often find cheaply in second-hand shops or junk yards , because they are too big for most bedrooms .
11 Keyman insurance , for example , can often take longer than may be expected to organise , particularly in view of the now obligatory AIDS test .
12 The external demands on government are such that it can often act only as arbiter between competing demands and respond , under guidance from civil servants , to international events and trends over which it has no direct influence .
13 Apart from getting the teacher 's overview of what happened , how it related to what he had planned , and how he regarded the unit 's contribution to events , the observer can often learn more about individual episodes .
14 With the help of guides , technical literature and a few telephone calls you can often determine precisely which pieces of equipment you require .
15 With a television series there 's just not the time for that , and it can often become very much of a routine .
16 In a ‘ hung council ’ deals hammered out between rival party groups can often have either a direct or indirect effect on local policy-making .
17 One hole can often look much like the next , and a newly dug or outlying sett can be mistaken for a fox 's earth .
18 Well , for my part , I believe that progress can often run away with itself , and when that happens , it needs regulation .
19 The once exclusive partnership has to be shared , and this sharing can often unbalance even the closest of relationships .
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