Example sentences of "can have on the " in BNC.

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1 Burridge ( 1969 ) has written most persuasively about the effects which fieldwork can have on the anthropologist , describing the prophetic experience this can produce .
2 Their responsibility for improving relations between police and public makes them sensitive to the disastrous effect that wrongly exercised discretion can have on the public 's perception of the RUC .
3 And anyone who has ever seen the devastating effects of alcohol addiction on the alcoholic , his or her friends and family will understand only too well the dramatic and destructive influence it can have on the lives of all concerned .
4 This is not only because of the harmful effects they can have on the physical self but also because the need for them indicates a severe deficiency in the emotional self — a deficiency which needs to be helped and treated rather than disguised .
5 We also speak of being ‘ consumed ’ with guilt and , although we are not literally eaten away , the phrase is not so very far from the truth when you consider the harmful effect guilt can have on the physical body .
6 These two cases also illustrate the effect that emotional blocks or upsets can have on the overall health of the individual .
7 Another interesting example of the powerful effect which hypnosis can have on the various planes of the individual is provided by the case of a middle-aged lady from Stornoway who was admitted to the local cottage hospital with terminal breast cancer .
8 In view of the wide effects that defects in this metabolic system can have on the body , they may well be suited to study of the polychrests — that is , the remedies with a wide sphere of action such as Natrum muriaticum , silica , sepia , lycopodium , sulphur , phosphorus or lachesis to name but a few .
9 But we , I think , have heavier pieces here than they can have on the enemy ships .
10 There are still many experts sceptical about just how much influence a volcanic explosion can have on the weather .
11 The International Air Transport Association Safety Committee has produced evidence of the serious effects operating electronic equipment in aircraft cabins can have on the flight management computers .
12 It is hard to imagine the effect water can have on the lives of normal everyday people , there were about six or seven houses that I knew of that almost completely wrecked .
13 Will my right hon. Friend warn other world leaders , especially in the United States , of the dangers of a wave of trade protectionism and the catastrophic effect that it can have on the world economy in a recession ?
14 They have told me about the effect that price cuts can have on the dairy sector .
15 The experiments in the previous chapter showed the effects that word boundary ambiguity can have on the size of the word graph given different phonemic inputs .
16 Such substantial flows of funds as these show the effect that the tax system or changes in the tax system can have on the patterns of finance in the UK .
17 We are also accountable through the box office in terms that your public will not come and see events and pay their money if the events that you 're putting on are not of sufficiently high standard , so the accountability runs in three our four different channels and each of them are quite potent and quite immediate in terms of their impact that they can have on the Association .
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