Example sentences of "can not [vb infin] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They eliminate what I call the " instinct " reporter , who perhaps can not pass exams but who is still street-wise , intelligent and eager .
2 Again , the medical profession will argue that an individual without medical expertise can not pass judgement on their performance .
3 There is no particular reason to think that people who are determined to get their hands on vulnerable children will be so stupid that they can not pass examinations .
4 I can not pass water without a forgotten claimant reaching for what is his .
5 We can not create reasons just by intending to do so and expressing that intention in action .
6 With our present-day highly developed technologies , we can re-create many of the complex molecules found in nature , but we can not create life — another argument in favour of the existence of the life force or life energy , whatever it may be .
7 Chancellors can not create confidence .
8 To borrow the economic analogy , competition is meaningless , or at any rate can not create consumer sovereignty , unless there is some product differentiation .
9 Whilst our Holiday Guarantee can not eliminate delays we hope it will help you cope with the inconvenience caused .
10 The Ombudsman can not rescind planning permission but can insist that the council gives an apology , and possibly a small amount of compensation .
11 No special LIFESPAN privileges are required to use this option , however you can not send mail to yourself .
12 He knows his Stars & Stripes can not match Koch 's boats for speed .
13 Your agent will want you to be working , but they can not perform miracles for you .
14 However he or she can not disregard interests and factions within his or her own party , and will obviously give some attention to the competence of those appointed .
15 Mr Howe said : ‘ Our general performances have been fine but we can not score goals .
16 As he readily admits : ‘ We just can not score goals .
17 An anti-state force such as the provisionals , who do not recognize the statehood of the twenty-six county state , can not achieve support in the South for this essential policy .
18 Thus , in the ammonia example above , if ammonia , NH3 , is allowed to escape from the reaction system , the reaction can not achieve equilibrium .
19 Essential oils , expensive patent ‘ cures ’ , anti-cellulite creams and tough massage alone can not shift cellulite — especially that which has been in the hips and thighs for many years .
20 The machines in the spring department gave off choking fumes and a grey pall seemed to hang over the department … about 90 per cent of the work force are coloured , many of whom can not speak English .
21 League tables of exam results will soon be published ; given that a class may contain 20 children who can not speak English , its position in any league table is bound to be low .
22 I discovered that Ivy can not speak French .
23 Two common folk-beliefs are that women have no sense of humour and can not tell jokes ( clearly Chiaro 's subjects do ) ; it may well be that certain kinds of jokes are preferred by men : the " shaggy dog " kind or narrative type that begins with formulas like " Have you heard the one about … ? " or " A man went into a pub …
24 This is why the final scene , when they look through the kitchen window and can not tell pigs from humans , has such numbing force .
25 Law can not tell people how to behave in their own homes ; they will not obey ; such rules are unenforceable because the necessary information is unobtainable , unless you put ‘ a spy under the bed ’ .
26 And more than that I 'm afraid I can not tell people .
27 The company can not hold interests in land worth more than half its total chargeable assets ( a modified version of one of the BES rules ) .
28 Furthermore , private investors can not trade shares on terms even approaching those available to fund managers .
29 We can not love God with our whole hearts , souls and minds .
30 For he can not love God , whom he has not seen , if he does not love his brother [ or teacher ] , whom he has seen .
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