Example sentences of "can [vb infin] [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 It means the person never has to work through their grief , but can stay poised at a moment in time , hoping that the news they heard , but can not believe , turns out to be wrong after all .
2 This opposition , expressed in terms of adult education , seems out of all proportion given that most women can expect to spend at most three or four hours a week in women-only classes as against a lifetime in the world of men .
3 At recent rates about 80 per cent of married women can expect to work at some time in their married lifetime ( Martin and Roberts 1984 ) .
4 It also outlines what guidance and support you can expect to get at work and what we expect from you in return .
5 Similarly , teachers who have specialised in the education of children with disabilities can feel daunted at the prospect of handling and coping with young children .
6 This year , I have been having a series of informal discussions with Church leaders , the voluntary sector , leading members of the police , probation and prison services , magistrates and others to consider what we can do to get at the roots of criminality .
7 In accordance with the terms of the contract , you can choose to retire at any time after the age of 60 , when the policy will buy you a regular pension plus the option of taking part of the money as a tax-tree lump sum .
8 If one assumes that any paddler runs a risk of shoulder damage when the shoulder angle is forced beyond 180 degrees , then a canoeist can choose to paddle at high risk with an arm position close to the limit or at low risk .
9 I can remember sitting at Professor Hayek 's feet in the company of Margaret Thatcher , a fellow disciple .
10 Knoydart is a delight , looking mouth-watering from the Glenfinnan tops , and you can keep gazing at it longingly as you walk west from Sgurr Thuilm , round the rim of its heroic corrie towards Sgurr nan Coireachan .
11 That way we can keep smiling at our customers during the rest of the year .
12 The selling division is thus motivated and the buying division has information it can use to arrive at proper economic decisions .
13 But this talk about ‘ a frontier which is perceived from both sides ’ makes it sound as if in addition to the physical eye which I can use to get at the pin there is a sort of phantom eye in my skull with which I can see what goes on under my skin .
14 I suppose well my children would say my answer to everything is to say to them breathe , you know , and erm you know just do very simple relaxation if nothing else , and then that allows you maybe to start looking at other things , but to get to the state where you can begin to look at things without the fears and emotions getting in the way .
15 You can begin racing at the age of six , in the automatic class .
16 But companies can stop giving at any time ; under the traditional system of covenants , they were committed to giving an annual donation for four years .
17 Now that Turkish eyes have turned eastward , and Greek ones northward , perhaps the two countries can stop glaring at each other .
18 You could treat the fish with ‘ dips ’ out of the pond , but all you can hope to do at this point is to control the spread of secondary infections , such as ulcers and fungus and bacterial infections .
19 In a fully developed , fragmented and competitive industry no company can hope to succeed at everything , as IBM ( and only IBM ) is still trying to do .
20 You can apply to enter at any time from your sixteenth birthday .
21 I doubt if there are many normal women who can resist looking at houses .
22 If a problem ( or a proof ) seems too difficult as it stands one can try looking at a special or simpler case .
23 Clearly , any reasonable number of players can have to go at this game , taking it in turns to bat and bowl .
24 Coventry , however , claim the queues were caused by late-arriving supporters , and that there is no way Clarkson can have arrived at 2.15 and not have been in the ground by 3.10 .
25 He has created a gap downwind into which he can accelerate to start at speed , whilst those around him will still be sheeting in .
26 I thought cor blimey it 's a wonder he can walk look at that you would n't believe that today would you nineteen ninety two oh no wonder they all come over here , is so really , ca n't blame them if that 's the sort of quality of life they 've got
27 NELSON 'S Column is to be floodlit in a multi-million pound facelift for London 's Trafalgar Square so tourists can go sightseeing at night .
28 They can afford to laugh at justice .
29 I doubt either can afford to stay at a hotel and I know for a fact that they 're not at any of the local hostels ; neither , I have been reliably informed , have they put in an appearance at the local ‘ hippie ’ compound .
30 Where every little snot from Southwark can come knocking at your door , bothering you with their complaints .
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