Example sentences of "can [vb infin] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 you can make make it right next time with Tracey 's and Linda 's anyway , if they had n't done it in office because I can put two pound what Tracey paid onto Linda 's anyway , it 'll still balance it out wo n't it ?
2 The relation between teachers and their pupils will change , and there are many who will regret the end of a kind of understanding and friendliness that can make teaching itself both easier and more rewarding .
3 Is this so you can make do they let you keep the stuff at the end ?
4 They are deliberate attempts which people can make to counteract their injunctions by asserting their opposites .
5 No , I , I , I , just , just a cover note , I think it 's quite true that this is one of the small steps one can make to make it a little bit more possible for people with dependents to take a full part in local government , and the majority of the people who are excluded at the moment are in practise erm , women with dependent children , but there are many other people including men , and including people with dependent elderly relatives , and I think we need to make it the rule rather than the exception that local government has a carer 's allowance scheme .
6 Do n't try to cut his parents out of your lives , see if you can make visiting them a pleasure rather than a duty .
7 There is no reason why a lyricist should elucidate but in Gedge 's case the lack of chimera can make surveying his words an unrewarding exercise .
8 For those who can stay to see it .
9 You can stay to hear me out . ’
10 I sold three and one of the reasons why and I think we got tremendous opportunity to develop an enormous part by just going in and speaking to people to explain to and they can relate to write lots and lots of and you can get a good grip we wo n't do it overnight , it is something you have got to develop .
11 We are not advocates of the ‘ prosperity gospel ’ , but we do recognise that the people God definitely seems to entrust with finances are those whom he can trust to hold them with an open hand .
12 Only those I feel we can trust to keep it under wraps have been contacted . ’
13 You shoot down the gas-bag , dummy , to make them jump out so you can machine gun them while they go down !
14 And they have to be safe for the performers , so that the nest-owners can survive to continue their parental duties .
15 For an additional £145 visitors can opt to vacate their hotel rooms for a two-night safari .
16 You can opt to include it and we have so far opted to exclude .
17 EC finance ministers have agreed that an intermediary in a triangular supply of goods can opt to have its customer in the country of destination account for VAT on the intermediary 's behalf ( p 102 ) .
18 EC finance ministers have now agreed that an intermediary can opt to have its customer in the country of destination account for VAT on the intermediary 's behalf .
19 Once you 've got to grips with your machine ( whichever the model ) there are several accessories you can buy to extend your knitting .
20 Go at a speed that you can enjoy riding it at .
21 Now you can enjoy telling me . ’
22 Legato does n't have its own INI file , but a lot of applications do have their own , so I 've created one in C : \WINDOWS ( the usual place ) so that we can enjoy deleting it .
23 I can enjoy watching it for hours . ’
24 She can seek to defend her political rectitude by lying .
25 If at the time the issue arises the patient still has capacity to decide , they can not only explore the scope of his decision with the patient , but can seek to persuade him to alter that decision .
26 If you come to an obstruction in a road you can seek to circumvent it or you can retrace your journey to the nearest fork and avoid that road altogether .
27 Again , he tackles , in The Conquest of Happiness , the roots of human unhappiness , and sees them in an excessive introversion , in an excessive concern with the mechanisms of one 's own mind , and proposes various ways in which people can seek to extract themselves from this introverted obsession with their own mechanisms .
28 But that is talent speaking of genius , and it overlooks the protective colouring by which genius can seek to mask its own sensitivities .
29 There are good reasons for distinguishing it both from the level of the meanings of expressions , as will become apparent later in the text ( see in particular Chapter 6 ) , and from whatever more general non-linguistic level of mental activity has to take responsibility for human perception of external phenomena ; a sufficient reason is that speakers of the language are well aware that they can seek to identify one and the same entity or property by using the meanings of various different expressions : Examples like ( 22 ) are familiarly put forward as showing the distinction between meaning and reference ; they may serve that purpose but that is quite a different matter .
30 In this situation each market maker can seek to adjust its own holdings of different stocks by trading with other market makers and can do this anonymously by dealing through the IDBs .
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