Example sentences of "can [adv] [vb infin] any " in BNC.

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1 Even if these are used only after employment ends the implied duty not to use or disclose them will mean that the employer can effectively prevent any competition based on breach .
2 Running a national business as complicated as a railway network is in all circumstances a daunting task , but the challenge is even more difficult when the government of the day can effectively veto any major decision .
3 But there will be an opportunity for members to look at the present programme which will need pruning to get it down to those guidelines , and they can obviously make any comments they wish to , or any advice they wish to give the P A G in terms of individual schemes or the detail .
4 Personal injury practitioners can only make any sort of profit at all if they achieve a realistic cash flow and this can only be obtained by ensuring that payment is made as soon as the case is settled .
5 We can thus describe any lifeform based on the carbon-water-oxygen triangle as ‘ life as we know it ’ ; the expression can be taken to embrace also the anaerobic bacteria .
6 This can be done by making a point of asking their advice on small matters , which can not create any anxiety in them .
7 In the same term it was resolved by the two Chief Justices , Chief Baron , and Baron Altham , upon conference betwixt the Lords of the Privy Council and them , that the King by his proclamation can not create any offence which was not an offence before , for then he may alter the law of the land by his proclamation in a high point ; for if he may create an offence where none is , upon that ensues fine and imprisonment : also the law of England is divided into three parts , common law , statute law , and custom ; but the King 's proclamation is none of them : also malum aut eat malum in se , aut prohibitum , that which is against common law is malum in se , malum prohibitum is such an offence as is prohibited by Act of Parliament , and not by proclamation .
8 A computational device of this sort can not perform any calculation involving steps equivalent to iteration or recursion .
9 Do not be misled , however , into thinking that it works like a spreadsheet because it is only a grid for entering figures and can not perform any calculations for you .
10 Who was described thus : ‘ About 5ft 8in or 9in , blonde with a light , thin moustache , walks with a slight stoop , can not speak any Dutch , during long conversations he occasionally makes a rattling noise in his throat ’ ?
11 When the air at a particular temperature can not hold any more moisture , it is said to have reached saturation point , and this condition is described as a relative humidity of 100% .
12 [ T ] he duty of the court is to obey and apply every Act of Parliament , and … the court can not hold any such Act to be ultra vires .
13 ‘ I can not answer any more questions . ’
14 So she said I 'm sorry , so I got the next nearest , I just can not waste any more time .
15 If Nigel de Gruchy of the National Association of Schoolmasters and Women Teachers ( and there 's a catchy title if ever there was one ) can not weave any more magic into his protest than ‘ The national curriculum has become a political football being booted up and down the right wing of the Conservative Party , ’ he does n't deserve to be taken seriously .
16 ‘ No , you can not undertake any more errands , ’ Kirov repeated , in a cold , dull voice .
17 Directors and actors of radio plays who can not convey any part of the contents of the performance visually , are very skilful in the art of voice characterisation .
18 Pressed to eat more , she said : ‘ I can not eat any more , honestly .
19 In so far as the population of Africa , and especially that of Somalia , is clearly at risk from internal conflict and where the aid agencies can not deliver any assistance because of that conflict , is it not time for the British Government to urge the United Nations to take a more interventionist and far stronger role in resolving those disputes ?
20 The fatuous sunbeams once more shows the sun can not represent any recognised god as the very expression describe the entity as mindless or imbecile in its creation of life only to watch helpless as that life is destroyed .
21 But as a use of language , as an utterance , presented like this in isolation , it is quite incomprehensible , because we can not attach any meaning to it .
22 If we can not make any sensible estimates as to the existence of intelligence on other worlds , at least we can look at non-human intelligences back here on Earth .
23 R. F. V. Heuston has argued that it should , saying that it can not make any difference whether the rules which identify the procedure come from common law , statute or a combination of both .
24 I can not make any such commitment at this stage .
25 Holders have no voting rights and can not make any contribution to the management of the corporation except in extremis when they can force liquidation if their contractual income has not been paid .
26 It can not offer any greater insight into the object , the circumstances of its manufacture , or the cultural framework from which it derived .
27 This time , even with a forecast that the rate of inflation will halve to 3.5 per cent by the middle of next year ( 1986 ) , the Bank can not offer any hope that the growth in earnings will slow in response .
28 ‘ I regret , I can not offer any refreshment , Madame , ’ he said with a smile .
29 We must accept that the positive part of conventionalism — that judges must respect the explicit extension of legal conventions — can not offer any useful advice to judges in hard cases .
30 In response to R C Sneddon 's letter today , I am afraid that I can not offer any foolproof plan for economic recovery .
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