Example sentences of "can [adv] [verb] people " in BNC.

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1 Well , that 's not necessarily er an accurate way of understanding sex abuse but nevertheless it can it can perhaps help people restore their equilibrium a bit .
2 The minimal information about the candidates that will actually be sent to those nurses on the electoral roll can only enable people to make voting choices on the basis of assumptions or stereotypes .
3 This invaluable experience and can only stand people in good stead for when they return to the UK . ’
4 But because it operates only at the level of ideas , without any attempt to specify why particular ideas are held in particular societies at particular times , other than by reference to other ideas , interactionist social psychology can only describe peoples ' beliefs , not explain them .
5 You can only see people 's eyes looking out of the eye-holes in the clothes .
6 Most modern philosophers would say it was nonsense to say that cruelty was cruel , you can only call people cruel , particular things .
7 Law can not tell people how to behave in their own homes ; they will not obey ; such rules are unenforceable because the necessary information is unobtainable , unless you put ‘ a spy under the bed ’ .
8 And more than that I 'm afraid I can not tell people .
9 We can not abandon people to the horrors of primitive siege warfare , so the ramshackle institutions of the United Nations will have to be drastically overhauled to cope with this crisis and others like it which are festering in an increasingly unstable world .
10 This criticism is forcefully made by Connolly , in the course of a discussion of structuralist theories , of which he takes Althusser s to be a prime example : One of the two complaints aired in this passage has already been discussed the incredulous observation that we can not view people as role-bearers who lead complicated lives in modern industrial societies and simultaneously regard them as determined .
11 You can not drag people screaming to one . ’
12 You can try to restrict the use of written or spoken obscenities , but you can not compel people to think clean .
13 You can not influence people without talking to them , and that is why I saw President ( FW ) de Klerk and Mr ( Barend ) du Plessis .
14 You can not blame people for being defensive .
15 We can not privatise people who were not there before .
16 Creating our own reality is sometimes interpreted as meaning that we can not hurt people unless they allow us to do so .
17 This does not mean that we can not be friends with an unbeliever — obviously , we can not reach people for Christ if we insulate ourselves from non-Christian company .
18 If you can not organize people to come into your home to look after the patient , he may be able to attend a local Day Centre run by the Local Authority .
19 ‘ You can not censor people 's backgrounds and it has happened before that , for instance , someone playing a joyrider in a play is an actual joyrider . ’
20 On the other hand , we sometimes withdraw completely from words as they are spoken , for example when we work on a dialogue that breaks certain social taboos , that shows characters saying things we can not imagine people actually daring to say .
21 Moreover , the association suffers from a very Periclean problem : you can not force people to vote in a self-regulatory organisation .
22 You can not force people to protect trees , wetlands , top soil , water or indeed other species .
23 Also , those most likely not to complete the questionnaire or do the interview are most likely to be delinquent ; and one can not force people to fill in questionnaires correctly .
24 They can not take people to the outpatients ’ clinic …
25 Free markets can not induce people to take account of these indirect effects on other people if there is no market in these indirect effects .
26 He can make suggestions and harangue in the man 's council meeting , but he can not order people into action .
27 The British Government can not order people to label inhumanely produced veal , but consumers can demand it , supermarkets can provide the labelling and the restaurant trade can do the same if it is so minded .
28 The horse stabled in a shed or barn can not see people , cars , and animals come and go ; or a cat or dog wandering by , birds flying , the wind in the grass and trees , and so on .
29 However , we can not predict people 's actual performance from their level of experience .
30 I can not understand people who continue to vote Conservative after they have lost their homes or their jobs , or both .
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