Example sentences of "can [verb] that the " in BNC.

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1 We can presume that the novelty of the Society had worn off for the capricious upper classes .
2 No reasonable doubt can exist that the School will attain under his supervision a much higher rank in the estimation of the Inhabitants of Stockport and that it will prove of very great importance and advantage to its community .
3 If you tell me of Sarah 's or Rachel 's or Rebecca 's nursing their children I can answer that the one drew water at a well for her father 's flocks , another baked cakes on a hearth , and another dressed savoury meat for her husband .
4 Having been marked personally by both wild and captive badgers , I can testify that the immediate effect is quite powerful and distinctive .
5 ‘ Ca n't speak for the food , that 's Kay 's department , but I think I can promise that the tipple will be up to par . ’
6 I can promise that the Government will do no less .
7 I can promise that the Department will take vigorous action where there are good cases .
8 In a society that legitimises its forms of truth by appeal to ‘ science ’ and ‘ objectivity ’ , a person 's case will certainly appear stronger if she or he can demonstrate that the other side is ‘ context-bound ’ and limited in their deployment of such logical abilities as ‘ abstraction ’ .
9 If this is a difficulty , the solution is to allow firms to present a case for exemption from those rules if they can demonstrate that the public interest will be furthered thereby .
10 If the employer can demonstrate that the proposed accommodation would cause undue hardship to the operation of the business , a failure to provide accommodation is not discriminatory .
11 It follows that if a contractor can demonstrate that the resources available and those intended for use on site would enable the works to be finished early , the contractor would have good grounds for claiming reimbursement of additional costs if he or she was thwarted by the client 's delay .
12 If the customer can demonstrate that the critical aspects were not brought to his attention or were " hidden in the small print " , he may be able to demonstrate a breach of this rule and ( in the case of a private customer ) sustain an action under s 62 of the FSA .
13 If I can demonstrate that the Kaiser himself , the monarch who ruled Germany for thirty years until nineteen eighteen , had ideas very similar if not identical to those of Hitler 's , at a time when he was not in contact with Hitler , when Hitler 's party was nowhere in political terms , then I think that 's yet another very important indication that there is continuity in German history from say the Bismarckian period through to nineteen forty-five , and that Hitler stands in that national tradition , and is not some kind of lightning erm that , that struck Germany erm from a blue sky .
14 You can predict that the romantic will be followed by the realistic .
15 But the associative theory can predict that the mechanisms that normally produce acquired distinctiveness might fail to do so , or might even produce negative transfer with certain sorts of test task .
16 Given Cadbury 's peerless reputation for research and development , and its continued commitment to high levels of marketing support , which in Time Out 's case includes a £5m advertising blitz through GGT , few can doubt that the company 's £35 sales target for the brand will be achieved .
17 Nobody can doubt that the Massaliotes explored seas and coasts .
18 There is an immense difference between the political systems of fascism and of liberal democracy , either of which may exist in a capitalist society ; and no one can doubt that the history of the world would have been very different if the fascist powers had been victorious in the Second World War .
19 It can direct that the application be re-heard by a magistrates ' court or it can make an order itself which will then be treated as an order of the magistrates ' court for the purposes of enforcement and variation ( s94(9) ) .
20 God alone can guarantee that the moral desires of humanity are satisfied — for instance , by providing a life after death in which happiness can be proportioned to virtue , as it patently is not in this life .
21 Provided we can guarantee that the optimal objective function value is positive , LPI* can be converted into LPI .
22 The information which appears on Skymaster comes from the same computers at Heathrow which churn out the printed stuff so you can guarantee that the data is accurate and changes reach you faster than they normally would on the paper system .
23 But , used in conjunction with a scoring algorithm , it can guarantee that the first answer is one of the optimal ones .
24 With the support of the likes of Prince Charles and Yehudi Menuhin , the appeal directors hope it wo n't be long before the they can guarantee that the Malvern Hills will forever echo to the sound of Elgar .
25 If you want , you can specify that the pose should be frightening , funny , difficult or amazing .
26 I can repeat that the IoT would be very happy for the Faculty to treat the IoT examination as the necessary qualification for its members to become Faculty Fellows .
27 At the beginning , before we start to read a couplet , we are aware that it is a couplet ( whether through modem conventions of typography , or through our familiarity with the poetic convention itself ) ; we can see that it will end after a snatch of words of between four and about ten , and we can expect that the couplet will constitute a complete sense-unit .
28 Indeed if both the missile and its antidote have been improving at the same rate , we can expect that the latest , most advanced and sophisticated versions , and the earliest , most primitive and simplest versions will be exactly as successful as each other , against their contemporary counter-devices .
29 Initially the subject will attend to a new stimulus but will then gradually lose interest and start to look away ( habituation ) ; if the stimulus is then changed in some way and if this causes a re-awakening of interest ( dishabituation ) then we can assume that the baby has detected the change .
30 Unfortunately there are no German records in existence ( perhaps something may now turn up after the reunification ! ) but we can assume that the result of the raid fell short of causing significant damage to the German war machine .
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