Example sentences of "can [verb] that [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 My friends are very anxious that there should be no difference between their people and the Mamur Zapt , and will do all they can to see that things go no further , at least for the time being .
2 You can assume that tests are negative if you have not heard from us within 6 weeks of the test being taken .
3 We sit up here and we watch a game like that and we can see the game probably just drifting away from United a little bit ; you can feel that things are changing out there .
4 To this framework people may add their own memorials to their loved ones , while the Association can ensure that memorials can benefit the living through undertaking projects such as Eagle Lodges and providing homes for the sick and elderly .
5 Legal remedies can ensure that landlords carry out the works for which they are legally responsible .
6 When the research knowledge is sufficiently conclusive , we can use findings to construct checklists , scales and indicators which can ensure that practitioners consider all factors pertinent to a situation and alert us to danger signs .
7 I can confirm that stories about meetings at the party-political level are pure invention .
8 However she sees a great deal of hope in Miranda 's situation ; ‘ You can acknowledge that women do let other women down and still be a feminist .
9 But if the human component in teaching is important in securing a " substantial ego-reward " , it should be asked how heads can acknowledge that colleagues will endure low points in their morale ( and there are certain numbers of compensating highs ) and how , in taking account of this , they can work on assumptions about other people 's attitudes .
10 Equally Sinn Fein can claim that talks which exclude them are undemocratic and useless .
11 In some of the comments which follow , we can see that students are discussing more than a subject which they happened to choose to study at college : they are discussing issues which are central to their lives .
12 ‘ Now I can see that things are growing difficult for you , Hilary , with people dying in foreign countries .
13 ‘ No , it is not that , they can see that women are more militant than the men , doing more work on the picket line .
14 With all these charges you can see that PEPs are n't for short-term investors .
15 While we can see that horses are adept , sensitive and subtle communicators , human observers suffer from the disadvantage that our sense organs do not work in the same way as theirs .
16 Thus , a mechanistic system is closed and an organic system is open to the environment If we take local government as an open system we can see that inputs from the environment will include the following :
17 However I was amazed by the quality of the exhibition as a whole , and can see that marquetarians are continuing to produce work of the highest standard .
18 It will be seen that g' is dependent upon two variables , the rate of profit ( i.e. , the social rate of profit p' ) and the proportion of surplus-value consumed unproductively. if we assume , as in more orthodox models , that savings equals investment — and that investment and accumulation are analogous — then we can see that savings are a result and not a precondition .
19 You can see that labels have been entered for these three values in A1 , A2 and A3 and one for the result in A4 .
20 I can report that things are going well .
21 It 's not how fast you can drive , it 's how fast you can stop that matters .
22 From the investigation of distracting unattended words we can conclude that words are recognised before they are fixated , and that meanings might be useful in guiding our eyes efficiently across the text .
23 In the first instance we can suggest that individuals will enter into organisations from a diverse range of social , economic and educational backgrounds which will give them different perspectives and different values .
24 And from our analysis of the signal extraction problem we can deduce that economies with highly volatile aggregate demand will be economies in which a high proportion of unexpected local price movements are attributed to aggregate demand shocks , and will therefore be economies in which shocks to aggregate demand have little impact on real output .
25 Ideally this should be done before candidates are interviewed but it can happen that differences in preferences for candidates reveal different opinions between board members which the chairman can detect and deal with .
26 ‘ I can appreciate that conditions were frustrating , with the high winds and the small greens , ’ he said .
27 I shall also do all that I can to ensure that brewers behave responsibly towards their tenants .
28 In Example 10 the high G is produced only in bar 29 ( notice also the strongly emotive leaps around the climax point ) : As a very general rule , one can observe that composers keep back climax points to the later part of melodic sentences and towards the end of complete themes .
29 However , if health authorities differ in their priorities and make provision for that health care which they consider to be a priority , then Type I systems can mean that residents of different health authorities find access to some forms of health care even more unequal than at present .
30 This can mean that factories prevented by one inspector from discharging pollutants into the air are allowed to divert them to , say , water .
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