Example sentences of "what they might [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 In selecting them I have tried to imagine an audience of 11–13-year-olds , and consequently what they might regard as ‘ funny ’ :
2 What they might 've been up to .
3 The analogy was there to draw between what they were prepared to do at home and what they might contemplate doing out of sight in a subjected territory .
4 He prefers simply to place the issues before them , and allow them to make their own moral decisions and to choose what they might want to do .
5 One formed the impression that its editor gave his readers what he thought they ought to read rather than what they might want or enjoy .
6 And intermingled with my usual imagined scenes of Mala and me together were other images — of Grand Emissaries and God-Kings , what they might want of me , what they might offer in return .
7 He was saying that the gods had so far been unkind , that they might turn kind , but that what the gods did for him was secondary to what they might do for Niki , a remark that turned out to be prophetic .
8 Alert them to the fact that we 're on to something , if they know we 've out-guessed them in their stupid game , then we do n't know what they might do .
9 In such circumstances , it is effrontery that my right hon. and learned Friend the Member for Monklands , East and my hon. Friend the Member for Derby , South ( Mrs. Beckett ) should be attacked for what they might do , instead of the Government being brought to account for what they have done and continue to do .
10 Karen King — because she was English , Jessica insisted — had given over even thinking about them , let alone imagining what they might do with their hard , lean bodies and their tired , rope-burned hands , had given over bothering to deny she 'd had such fantasies .
11 Sex education in schools may therefore have most impact if it aims to discourage helpless attitudes , by emphasising to young people that they are in control of their own lives , encouraging them to see themselves as active rather than passive , and in discussing what they might do in the event of an unwanted pregnancy .
12 well I mean you know , you know what children are , you never know what they might do
13 What they might manage with hot dark matter is not clear .
14 And intermingled with my usual imagined scenes of Mala and me together were other images — of Grand Emissaries and God-Kings , what they might want of me , what they might offer in return .
15 FORGET WHAT they might think in Paris and Milan : China 's fashion commissars have decreed what is and is not stylish .
16 Worrying what they might think when they finally looked back .
17 He also believes that despite the crowd 's impatience with what they might think is play-acting , 95pc of players who get treatment on the field really do need it .
18 Not when you compare it with what they might advertise in Golf Monthly or something like that where
19 Excitement flickered inside her like a random spark that found itself landing in a pile of dry autumn leaves as she hardly dared consider the possibilities and what they might mean for her .
20 Although at the moment it is up to you to decide what form of updating you would like to undertake , it would be useful to look at any developments in your area aimed at your special interest , and to find out from employers what they might expect from you in advance of offering you a job .
21 A programme of speakers for a general election was also ready by 1913 , with both constituencies and politicians told in advance what they might expect .
22 Floy had asked about dangers and what they might expect to encounter , but Fenella did not think it looked especially dangerous .
23 As the stray bullets whistled across no-man's-land , Charlie fell on his knees and crawled back to the reserve trenches , to brief his section on what they might expect once they were pushed forward another hundred yards .
24 They did not dare camp on the western bank where the attack had been ; the eastern bank showed no signs of life but the tangled strips of trees continued along it and they mistrusted what they might hide .
25 Alan was well aware of his own gifts and of what they might lead him to become , but I am not sure he entirely welcomed his role as a leader of lesser men .
26 Clearly some very large forces have disrupted the outer regions of the Solar System at some stage , or stages , in the past , but we have no idea of when or of what they might have been .
27 What they might have heard however , had they been passing ten minutes later , even above the noise of the traffic and the raging of the wind , was a roar of someone in pain , a great and agonizing cry .
28 ‘ If the Beirut police had continued to probe who knows what they might have uncovered ?
29 Now , however , the French , no matter what they might have thought of American rhetoric , could at least pretend that they took it seriously and that their actions were being taken in defence of ‘ the free world ’ .
30 We need to consider more carefully what they might have as their objectives .
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