Example sentences of "what was [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Given what was to transpire with Fleischmann and Pons , 60 years later , neuthere is a bizarre feeling of déjà-vu in all of this .
2 well my thoughts had cristalized that we would have to change the direction of er , we communicating with them as we 've done in the past , we could n't just use adverts that we might have used regional in a regional press , we had to pick out the point , in the , in the actual article so that four example there were six or seven points that had clearly been made , statements that had been made , I had to devise a scheme then , er , it was only a scheme in my thinking that actually , I had to devise a scheme that would pick up each of these points encounter them , now there was no way I could simply take an advert out and say , they said this , we say that because that would have had no credibility , so what I was thinking at that time is how we might be able to use some other form of being able to counter those six or seven points and I started to come up with an idea perhaps using a third party , because in our business , third party recommendation are very , very powerful and when selling to the elderly because they do not take , I 'm sorry , they take a long time to come to a decision , they mull over it and such like , they take a lot of influence from people , take advise from family , accountants , solicitors , bank managers and such like , so the idea of having a third party in a sense recommend then would have allowed us to get over those particular points , so that 's what was germinating in my mind at the time
3 People had become disinclined to believe without doubting what was revealed to them .
4 It had been taken by a pilot who was shocked out of his atheism and into the Church by what was revealed to him in his darkroom .
5 Inspector Martin Thorn said : ‘ I am not prepared to say what was revealed during our inquiries . ’
6 The others pushed on past him in the doorway , but they too stopped when they saw what was revealed on the other side of the windows .
7 In the subsidy goods of this value were taxed at 10 per cent for the first two years , the same rate as for land , the owners of which were mostly drawn from the wealthier strata , and double what was levied on smaller assessments .
8 Shortly after Gould 's publication of this information , Darwin moved to London to be closer to what was proving to be a hotbed of scientific activity .
9 The third stage ( 1946 ) was to increase the pension to what was intended to be subsistence level , but render it conditional on retirement and make contribution compulsory for virtually all .
10 Sensing this , the Coal Board struck what was intended to be a mortal blow — refusing to carry out the preventative works and offering us a mere £25,000 towards past damage which had been estimated at well over £100,000 .
11 IBM Corp issued a statement last week confirming that it is ‘ expanding the role of AD/Cycle to support application development at the workgroup level ’ — moving to the local area network-based software engineering environment it is already offering for its AIX Unix users — but managed to avoid mentioning what was intended to be the core of AD/Cycle , Repository Manager/MVS at all .
12 Whilst Lakatos did propose what was intended to be a universal criterion of rationality or scientificity , he did not regard this criterion as a consequence of logic alone , or somehow God-given .
13 Nevertheless he was suspicious of international competition , especially the Olympic movement , fearing it would turn what was intended to be pleasure into too serious a business .
14 The church is in fact only the north aisle of what was intended to be a mini-cathedral .
15 In the longer term , it may be something aesthetic will be seen in what was intended as pure politics .
16 It is very important to realise exactly what was intended in the analysis about to be described .
17 Even more surprising was the Committee 's rejection of the ‘ deprave and corrupt ’ test , since the selling of the idea that sadism can be highly pleasurable , as described above , or the reinforcing of that idea in those already attracted to it , must surely epitomise what was intended by the phrase ‘ deprave and corrupt ’ , at least as that test is interpreted by the BBFC .
18 What was intended by the supplier had not in fact materialised , because the case had been tried on correspondence rather than a correctly drawn up agreement .
19 I flew down and looked at the computer screens to see what was written on them , and they all said in huge letters …
20 Quickly , I picked up the paper and read what was written on it .
21 In glancing down , she saw what was written on it : ‘ Lucenzo Salviati , Banco D'Oro ’ .
22 Nearly half the 1,000 respondents to the MAFF questionnaire took " a great deal " or " quite a lot " of notice of what was written on the labels .
23 They 'd want to be sure the items had been reported stolen and the person who owns this suitcase for example , would need to know what was written on the other side .
24 They were only burning because you put in what was written on the packet .
25 Do you see , do you see what was written on the olive oil bottle and it says it 's got polyunsaturates .
26 ‘ Friends close to me probably saw what was written about me and the criticism I took from every angle .
27 I think I have read most of what was written by or about him in English between the seventeenth century and , say , 1975 .
28 I mean he had n't a clue what it , what was written in it .
29 As they fall , as in the example given , they merely replace what was lost in an earlier time period .
30 Very few of the stations on what was built of the Cape to Cairo railway were anything more than small wayside halts .
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