Example sentences of "what can be seen " in BNC.

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1 The Springbok all-rounder of the 1960s and 1970s has been appointed coach of Transvaal in what can be seen as a determined bid by the lions of the north to regain their position as the top dogs of South African domestic cricket .
2 Otherwise , what can be seen of Patrington today is of the 18th century or later .
3 Objectively , in terms of what can be seen and/or heard .
4 The whole character of faith is that it does not rest on itself , nor on what can be seen as an extension of itself , but on what is quite other than itself , by which its own emptiness is filled .
5 Freud shares what can be seen as the main element in the sociological imagination , that is , to see what is regarded as commonplace action in a particular society , at particular points in time , as being itself in need of some explanation .
6 Freud sees this aspect of Judaism as marking an advance away from sensuality , from what can be seen or touched , towards intellectuality , thought processes about unseen things , such as God .
7 What can be seen is that Parliament can not have intended an implied limitation along the lines of Ex parte Blain , 12 Ch.D. 522 .
8 They range also from what can be seen , simply , as the ‘ translation ’ of ‘ ideology ’ into directly sensuous material , to what is better seen , in terms of the physical and material processes of art work , as production of a distinct and general kind .
9 It is much harder to move from a visual , qualitative appreciation of what can be seen under the microscope to more quantitative measures of how much or how many of any component is present ; yet unless something entirely new was being synthesized as a result of training , then what we might anticipate observing would be small changes in the number , pattern or distribution of existing structures , particularly synapses .
10 What can be seen is that the attempt to correlate black youth and crime is a latent but definite element in the law and order debate .
11 Whereas the descriptions of the opening chapter are confined to what can be seen from within his shack , visual perspectives increase in variety and number when he ventures out of doors .
12 However , we also had an opportunity to study restored sites and we were generally impressed by the quality of what can be seen .
13 In the fifteenth century there were some evictions in the parish ordered by Sir Edward Belknap , but the overall story , as worked out by James Bond , is very complex and no single reason can be found to explain what can be seen in the landscape .
14 What can be seen is that young girls are growing up far more quickly , and expect to be treated like adult earlier these days .
15 Part of the original great tower or donjon survives , but much of what can be seen today dates from the 14th and 15th centuries : massive curtain walls , defended on the south and east by four flanking towers ; within , a large rectangular courtyard enclosure , terminated at its west end by the mighty circular donjon surrounded by its own moat and , on the east side , a great hall and chapel .
16 A description of an organism in terms of what can be seen or measured .
17 He continues the list of what can be seen , using run on lines to build up to the climax :
18 Of equal importance is the ability to understand what can be seen at some historical sites where there is little attempt at historical reconstruction to assist understanding — perhaps a burial mound in the middle of a field or a ruined castle .
19 Always stress what can be seen to cohere and fit together before attending to what does not fit .
20 The empirical approach is concerned with what is and what can be seen and touched , proceeding on the basis of testing and retesting and largely rejecting dogma and abstract or coherent grand designs for change .
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