Example sentences of "what [is] [vb pp] as " in BNC.

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1 What is being said is that it 's intended to keep what 's regarded as a highly successful regime going on existing lines .
2 ‘ She said the heroin comes in by what 's known as the Balkans route .
3 But his parents soon realised that Ashley would need more specialized help , so they turned to the Peto Institute in Hungary , which has pioneered the treatment of children like Ashley with what 's known as conductive education .
4 These people are from the Gloucester Centre for Harmony , and they 're indulging in what 's known as tree healing .
5 The whole of what 's known as the Corbet block was completely destroyed .
6 In fact despite being in what 's described as a small fish tank , the Puffer quickly grew to 12″ and for some reason , would inflate himself to the size of a basketball at 8pm each evening .
7 The plane has been fitted with what 's described as self defence equipment .
8 They 're charged with conspiring to leave what 's described as an ’ article ’ under a parked van near shops on Girdlestone Road in Oxford intending people to believe it was a bomb .
9 Sun Valley say the fire was started by what 's described as an accidental fault in a machine .
10 However , in the interests of Western European stability and its own financial position , the British government is perhaps still putting off the final offer — either British withdrawal or some form of power-sharing with catholic nationalists — in the hope of loyalists coming round to what is seen as a more reasonable position .
11 The salvation history of the Bible is coupled with what is seen as a significant period in the history of the protestants of Ireland .
12 The US has been trying for a decade to clinch the deal , not least because it would give its nuclear forces control of what is seen as the strategically vital Pacific zone and a new set of options if its Philippine naval and air bases are threatened .
13 In what is seen as a test case , Mr Justice Chadwick ruled that Oldham Borough Council had no power to sell the 22-acre Clayton playing fields , bequeathed to the town for sport by a local benefactor .
14 Such an approach may demonstrate to the satisfaction of some that no crime is involved , but it is surely most unsatisfactory to rest the response of the law to what is seen as a testing moral and philosophical issue on some semantic sleight of hand .
15 The fact that what is seen as crime varies with different societies does not affect the definition of crime — as an act which breaks the criminal law of the particular society .
16 It is these ideas that lead to what is seen as juvenile delinquency .
17 Those who question or reject managerial prerogative can be accused of a selfish rejection of Japanese values in favour of alien Western individualism : ‘ an obligation of mutual attachment between firm and employee [ is ] Sanctioned by what is seen as tradition , morally correct and emblematic of Japanese culture ’ ( Clark 1979 p.175 ) .
18 In this context being ‘ wet ’ embraces what is seen as an insufficiency of robustness in outlook ; a suspicion that overmuch interest is being directed towards the treatment of the convicted offender at the expense of the plight of the victim ; and a distaste for the infliction of physical forms of punishment .
19 Over in Water Ross the deer are just part of what is seen as the larger problem of who is in charge , and who makes decisions about wild places .
20 Citation is here an act of revenge against what is seen as a liberal apologetics for black crime .
21 As Foucault and others have demonstrated , the interpretation of information in contemporary society follows a set of discursive criteria which determine what is classified as objectively true and what is seen as subjective opinion or fiction .
22 This literature , whilst being mindful of the ordinary business cycle of boom and slump , growth and recession , is especially mindful and critical of what is seen as the increasing coincidence between the five-yearly election cycle and the rhythm of the economy .
23 But there has also appeared , in the past decade , a strong reaction against collectivism , in the shape of opposition to what is seen as excessive regulation of social life by public bureaucracies , and this has been translated in some countries ( notably in Britain ) into policies of privatization of public enterprises and services , with consequences that have themselves given rise to fierce controversy .
24 Values : these define what is seen as success by the organisation and establish standards of achievement within the organisation .
25 As Davis points out , it is also a way in which wives can be saved from what is seen as dishonourable employment .
26 J.S. Well , the thing is that my work moves right across that because I work with what is seen as ‘ negative ’ imagery .
27 The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT ) has published a report on the environment , in what is seen as a response to environmentalist criticisms of the organization 's emphasis on free trade [ see SAFE report , below , and also EDs 51 , 52 and 55 ] in the run-up to final negotiations in the current " Uruguay round " of trade talks .
28 The UK government has announced plans to encourage cycling , in what is seen as something of a shift of policy away from its market-oriented attitude to transport .
29 Another strong theme in the conference is what is seen as a threat posed to the traditional newsagent .
30 There is growing concern in the Government about unemployment in the south-east of England and what is seen as discrimination in favour of Scotland and other areas through regional aid .
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