Example sentences of "what [vb past] at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , short of methods of surveillance which are also not ‘ consistent with liberty and justice ’ it may be impossible to obtain evidence on what transpired at such meetings .
2 Dimly , in what seemed at that moment to have been another existence altogether , she remembered Jurgen and Horst arguing that there was actually something dynamic and hopeful about the forces of good and innocence being so demonstrably at risk from the satanic .
3 All we are left with in this critic 's eyes is the drama of one simple and honourable man created by what seemed at first a ‘ carefully studied impersonation ’ but what became a very moving performance by Muni .
4 For that brief moment she could see the room beyond him and there , jutting out from what seemed at first glance to be a pillow beneath the blanket , the naked foot of a youth .
5 Well let's talk about precisely what happened at that meeting yesterday .
6 That is what happened at both Imperial Typewriters in Leicester and at Mansfield Hosiery in Loughborough .
7 These conclusions are confirmed by what happened at Eighth Army HQ over the following two days , as we shall come to shortly .
8 I do n't know what happened at this particular gig , but I know it was his home town — it was the most important gig to David because it was in front of a home crowd .
9 This allows the meeting to ask questions , comment or review what happened at previous meetings and to check that decisions have been carried out , or that matters have progressed in the manner envisaged .
10 He said : ‘ A win is essential because we 've got to prove what happened at Ayresome Park was a freak .
11 But perhaps what mattered at eighty was habit , the body no longer interested in sex , the mind no longer interested in speculation , the smaller things in life mattering more than the large and , in the end , the slow realization that nothing really mattered at all .
12 Further research revealed that what had at first appeared to be a bizarre anomaly was in fact a cultural feature shared by many different Indian peoples .
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