Example sentences of "what [verb] [vb pp] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It seems as though this is what has kept all those trekkies going for decades .
2 Much of the impact of Joni 's major works lies in the delicate balance achieved between what appears worn with age and what has remained intact .
3 It is precisely because black workers have been kept away from these structures that they are now at the forefront of what has become one of the most political dispute in industrial history .
4 In 1973 , in what has become one of the most frequently quoted papers in the literature of memory research , Tim Bliss from the National Institute for Medical Research in London and Terje Lømo described how , working together in Per Andersen 's laboratory in Oslo , they had anaesthetized a rabbit , then exposed its hippocampus and the nerves leading to it .
5 Far from getting in a flap over nuclear issues they are winging their way to what has become one of West Cumbria 's top tourist attractions .
6 Millard Fuller founded what has become one of the largest and fastest growing housing organisations in the world .
7 But what has become internalized can always become externalized again ; and so we have seen that , increasingly in modern societies , anti-social instinctual drives of the id — specifically , the instinctual drives of the gelada-like sons of the primal fathers — break out in social conflicts and acts of delinquency and provocation which the modern incarnation of the primal father — the police , the Establishment , law , order and standards of all kinds — have to meet .
8 What has become apparent is that the hype chorus has become counter-productive by its very volume .
9 In what has become standard concern to make reparation to the Church in Russia , the authorities involved failed to think of the now homeless books .
10 But what has become evident in the last couple of decades in particular is the scale and pace of agricultural developments which have , and continue to , reduce both the nature conservation and landscape values of many of our upland areas .
11 In all these projects , what has become clear is that software configuration control is essential .
12 What has destroyed this is a shift , accelerated in the late 1980s , away from the notion that public bodies should represent the public .
13 As we can not prove what has caused these specific problem behaviours and we can not alter the marriage ( or , probably , arrange for the family to be re-housed ) it is necessary to stop thinking about causes altogether .
14 What has caused this terror of female flesh ?
15 Do n't you dare I 'm in charge of this interview and erm and erm and erm what 's caused this and why discussion what has caused this change to try and find out and put him off Horrible feeling you see two people shouting at each other two people shouting at each other get the impression that the other party is actually doing an impression of a goldfish and going like that .
16 What has intrigued many Western observers however , is the absence of the strong sense of individualism that usually distinguishes the ‘ liberal ’ element in liberal democratic societies .
17 What has replaced these various modernisms is a revamped set of attitudes to boundaries between media , to the previously ‘ closed ’ limitations on authorship and stylistic approach , to historical referencing and recuperation , and to the old modernist proscriptions on the nature and functions of artists , audiences and publics .
18 This is what has made some people think that in this work the distinction between good and bad is simply arbitrary , residing not in the nature of the characters but in the needs of the plot .
19 The latter examines the complaint and , if it is justified , calls the refereeing panel together to make them aware of what has gone wrong .
20 They believe that any newcomer would take months to come to grips with what has gone wrong at Ferranti and would as a consequence be worse placed to negotiate a rescue for the group .
21 Mrs Thatcher yesterday had the honesty to admit that inflation is ‘ far too high ’ , but she no more deigned to explain what has gone wrong than the Chancellor had the day before .
22 What has gone wrong ?
23 In most common diseases of western society , we know more or less what has gone wrong , even if we do not know why it has gone wrong .
24 What has gone wrong ?
25 The Message Line attempts to tell you what to do next , or what has gone wrong , or requests responses , at every stage of editing or using a command .
26 So what has gone wrong ?
27 I go back to where I started , by examining what has gone wrong , before arriving at a possible way forward .
28 Do you ever wonder what has gone wrong ?
29 He can not put his finger on what has gone wrong on their travels — the times of arrival at the ground have even been varied — and now is the time for mental toughness .
30 By ceasing to ignore the awkward case of women — as most of the traditional theorists did we can often see what has gone wrong with our thinking in other , apparently more straightforward cases .
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