Example sentences of "will provide [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And we never need our own defence if we can be sure that another will provide one for us .
2 Matt will provide everything for half your hundred . ’
3 The border will provide plenty of interest and colour from midsummer onwards , particularly at summer 's end , when many other plants have long since finished flowering .
4 Fifteen minutes of sunshine in the middle of the day ( 11am to 4pm ) , even beside an open window if you ca n't get outside , between April and October will provide plenty of vitamin D. Diet can be boosted in winter with one helping each week of foods rich in vitamin D : herring , kippers , mackerel or sardines ( see also pages 104–5 ) .
5 So do n't worry , Ms Greenwell : your son 's religious education lessons will provide him with the ammunition that he needs to oppose traditional religious beliefs .
6 The small producer will be drawn into a socialised enterprise , not by means of non-economic coercion , but chiefly by the economic advantages which will provide him with a tractor , electric light bulbs , agricultural machinery and so on .
7 Reliving the experience ( even if only in his imagination ) will still take away his feelings of foolishness and will provide him with a reason for his phobia .
8 The structured settlement will provide him with care for the next 45 years .
9 by no means will the latter guarantee the president success in his constant struggles with the legislature , but it will provide him with an invaluable starting point .
10 All the techniques in taekwondo are flexible and allow the practitioner to change his mind at the last minute as to which block or punch will provide him with the best defence or counter-attack .
11 A private individual who buys a minority shareholding in a non-dividend paying private company as a pure portfolio investment must do so on the basis of some prospect which , if realised , will provide him with the return he seeks .
12 I assume that will provide him with a suitable brief .
13 These will all be presented to interested donors in a common summarised format that will provide them with the information they are looking for to make their decisions .
14 Likewise young females have the problem of choosing mates that will provide them with vigorous young and possibly the assistance they need to rear them .
15 Studying David Allsop 's funny new Bluff Your Way In Skiing ( Ravette , £2.50 ) will provide them with enough ammunition to last a whole season .
16 In fact , UI claims the whole Roadmap process has been recast to be user-rather than independent software vendor-focused , detailing user-specific information such as when their suppliers will provide them with certain technologies .
17 We 've made plenty of enemies over the years , even politicians here at the UN , and this will provide them with the perfect ammunition for them to shoot UNACO down in flames .
18 This will provide them with an incentive for continuing their education .
19 Further , firms can create networks of joint ventures which will provide them with much richer learning opportunities than a long-term marriage to a single partner might .
20 They are equally brought up to believe that marriage will provide them with a partner in whom to trust , who will love , protect and respect them .
21 Rather more than half of current employees , however , contribute to an occupational pension scheme which will provide them with substantially greater benefits than the state pension .
22 The crustaceans and shellfish on the shores and rocks around Hunterston will provide them with ample food , and will also provide the carotenes they need to stay pink .
23 The Asians will not want to lose ground in the mixed doubles in the build-up to Atlanta and the Belfast match will provide them with an opportunity to test the best in Europe .
24 The college believes nurses should be given a pay rise because one in four members are the sole breadwinner in their household and most nurses no longer believe that nursing will provide them with a secure job .
25 ‘ It will provide them with an excellent standard , ’ he said .
26 It will provide them with qualifications recognising their skills , and encouragement with their JS careers . ’
27 In retirement I hope my company will provide me with an office and a secretary , so that I can go on contributing to society from my experience .
28 If the hon. Gentleman will provide me with all the information , I shall examine the case .
29 It should prove useful , as will all the places I have talked about above , in that they will provide me with the amount of information to produce an investigation that has all the qualities necessary to gain a good grade .
30 She may also be helped to understand that if she is willing to try to spread the love she once gave to one person around to others who may be badly in need of it , she will move into an entirely different dimension emotionally : one that will provide her with new satisfactions and in which she will discover that the lovers of this world are not only those who enjoy a close and exclusive relationship .
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