Example sentences of "will have been [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Although any breach would be contempt of court , and could lead to the lifting of the Mareva injunction , the information will have been obtained and can still be put to use in another State ; and the sanctions available are much reduced where , as may often be the case , the plaintiff is not resident in the jurisdiction of the English court .
2 In fact , options or at least verbal commitments will have been obtained already for some special buys which are wanted , but nothing will have been the subject of a formal order to any of the media before this .
3 Much of the data contained in these early systems will have been converted to paper tape , then magnetic tape , and today to hard-disks on personal computers , at each stage accruing data conversion costs .
4 More often , however , a discharge will have been noticed in the underwear .
5 Now , as will have been noticed , in all the examples I have given , one very crucial element has been missing to make the expressions grammatical as instances of standard English — we need determiners of some sort .
6 It will have been noticed that it was common for more than one child in a family to enter the same trade , and our sample very strikingly demonstrates the importance of sisterhood .
7 It will have been noticed that the Ligurians , in whose territory the city had been founded , bore the very Celtic name of Segobrigii .
8 7.4 It will have been noticed that all the examples offered have made use of prenominal attributives .
9 A smart young lawyer driving a BMW will have been noticed . ’
10 They will simply be asked to spend about fifteen minutes a day using a combination of relaxation and visualization techniques which they will have been taught .
11 Most readers of this book aged over 30 will have been taught at school that the atom is made up of little billiard balls : in the centre there is the nucleus , made of biggish billiard balls called protons and neutrons ; around the nucleus travel very small billiard balls called electrons .
12 Many Bristol graduates will have been taught music by Professor Ray Warren but I wonder how many have been taught mathematics by him ?
13 It will have been made for the sailcloth trade but , due to some minor fault in manufacture , was released to the kite trade instead , and at an economic advantage .
14 I hope that point will have been made and certainly in future appointments , whenever they occur , some consideration will be given towards people who will be sympathetic to the ecumenical scene .
15 Over the years various attempts will have been made to insulate houses like these , but these are unlikely to match modern standards , and it will pay you to check out your existing level of insulation , with a view to improving it for the future .
16 If the modified , more falsifiable , hypothesis resists falsification in the face of the new tests , then something new will have been learnt and progress will have been made .
17 As no order will have been made in respect of the property at this stage , the defendant appears to be free to dispose of it before the order can be made and thus defeat the object of making the order .
18 I have n't checked the erm er wording of today 's programme , but I 've no reason to assume that any mistakes will have been made on that .
19 All the preparations will have been made ; I 'm sure we could get by . ’
20 In contrast to the ‘ Spanish Inquisition ’ method , a prior decision on priorities and cuts will have been made before the hectic bargaining about detail begins .
21 In some cases doctor 's dentist 's or other appointments will have been made for the Thursdays when the bus failed to arrive .
22 By the weekend , around 50 flights will have been made at the rate of one every 2 hours and the deployment will be complete .
23 These people will have been made worse off by the oil discovery which , on average , increased real output per capita , making many other people better off .
24 They hope by that time the adoption will have been finalised .
25 If you have been in any of the following situations , you will have been credited with contributions ( instead of having to pay them ) :
26 About £350 million will have been invested by the private sector when the approved projects are completed .
27 A total of 70 million Norwegian kroner ( approximately £6.5 million ) will have been invested in PROFIT between 1990 and 1994 , and NOK110 million ( approx. £10 million ) in RUTH between 1992 and 1995 .
28 Where any footway or footpath is open for use by cyclists , it will have been designated as a cycle track and be suitably signposted .
29 The eyes were inlaid ( so also 681 , fig. 35 , where there are remains of glass and a metal socket ) , and hair , beard , cloak , calf will have been painted .
30 More commonly , he will have been given power to make laws , subject only to the controlling authority of one or both Houses of Parliament to unmake them , or to withhold the endorsement necessary for them to continue to enjoy the force of law .
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