Example sentences of "will make the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 That is projects which will enable students and/or staff to develop their enterprise skills and which will make the University more responsive to the world of work .
2 Rhubarb chard grown nearby will make the scene even more spectacular .
3 Even a woman wanting to take on help with child-care may have to consider whether or not she will make the decision herself or whether her husband or even the child itself will become involved .
4 It is the human being who will be faced with the opportunity and perhaps the temptation to be violent , and who will make the decision as to which path to follow .
5 However , in certain circumstances , the Secretary of State will make the decision , taking account of the inspector 's recommendations .
6 And , in a few weeks when he sees how business is going , he will make the decision as to whether to confirm you in the part or to recast . ’
7 Such is the pulling power of Europe 's richest race , the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe , that up to 10,000 Britons will make the journey this weekend , making a considerable impact in a total crowd of 35,000 .
8 Lorries will take containers to and from the terminal and trains will make the journey between Northamptonshire and the continent .
9 ( 188 ) You will make the foes of England be sorry you were born .
10 I thought , ‘ this will make the carrying of the tea to the remaining resident members of my family an uncommonly pleasant event , because they will all smile upon me instead of producing the customary resentful grunt when I stir them from sleep , and they will say ‘ Good morning , dear husband/father ( as the case might be ) , and they will reach under their beds for the gift-wrapped goodies so lovingly prepared and concealed the night before , and handing me their tributes they will voice their gratitude to God that I have survived so far , and will express the pious hope that they may be able to repeat such sentiments on this same date for many a year to come .
11 Try to glue all the plant material really well if you think you may need help with the framing , as this will make the framer 's job a great deal easier .
12 The short-term view is that CVT will make the firm 's buses more competitive .
13 Warburg Securities points out that the post-extraordinary eps figure ‘ will make the eps series extremely volatile for companies with major one-off items ’ .
14 Lecture notes should never consist of many words , for the presence of such a mass of words will make the notes difficult to assimilate and understand at a later stage .
15 if I do n't Labour will make the Queen
16 This will make the leaves grow brighter , with a beautiful sheen .
17 In the new family , both men and women will make the decisions , they will be equal partners .
18 Fulsome thanks for the present will make the child feel accepted and one of the ‘ games to break the ice ’ , p.37 , is useful to start .
19 Without this we are breaking our governing rules and it has been indicated that any future occurrence will make the person concerned liable to disciplinary action .
20 One of the accusations used and levelled against er against Christianity against the , the evangelical message , against things like the , the mission of Graham and , and others is that it , it does n't meet the needs the , the material needs of people but if you deal with the persons spiritual needs , if their sins are forgiven , those problems that are causing the material problem , it 's amazing how there are dealt with as well , the best way to sober up a person , the best way to deal with a person who 's an alcoholic , the best way to deal with a person who is a drug addict , the best way to deal with a person who , who commits adultery is not by telling them the wrongs of those things , it 's not by trying to , to , to do , to , to , you know , to , to counsel them it 's presenting the gospel allowing Jesus Christ to come into their lives and to forgive them , that will make the person sober quicker than all the counselling in the world and Paul says I brought you the most important the fundamental thing , that Christ died for our sins Paul again when he 's writing to the Romans in chapter five and verse eight he says but God demonstrates his own love towards us , in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us so God did in Jesus Christ what we could n't do for ourselves , so all of you have sin , so all of my sin , and he came and he died on the cross and as he was dying there was that transmit there , for he was n't dying for his own sin buy he was dying for your sin and for mine , it was all piled on him and so when we except what Christ has done , when we come to that place and yes I believe that you died for me ,
21 Householders in nearby Sandford Road fear the new development on the Springfield site , which would have space for nearly 200 new cells , will make the noise from the prison unbearable , forcing house prices down .
22 Crowds hover a touch above 1,000 this season but up to twice that number will make the trip to Northampton .
23 Crowds hover a touch above 1,000 this season but up to twice that number will make the trip to Northampton .
24 Hillman will make the trip if his club are not involved in the Schweppes Cup .
25 The former Middlesbrough and Cleveland Harrier , bronze medallist in the World Student Games last year , will make the trip to Barcelona if he is one of the top three British scorers beyond the qualifying standard .
26 And the notion of generalization decrement can also explain the effects of prior exposure to B alone if it is allowed that such training will make the B stimulus less effective and thus relatively unlikely to interfere with the perception of A when the two are presented in compound .
27 ‘ For the first time we 're a little bit on the sidelines and in some ways this will make the Government 's standpoint a bit stronger , ’ reckons Kern .
28 It will make the government more accountable and genuinely representative .
29 When I get back to base , bruised and battered , I brace myself for a reception that will make the Day of Judgment look like a Sunday School picnic .
30 " I do n't know what the next step will be but someone will make the breakthrough " said Cadogan .
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