Example sentences of "will [adv] have [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The in-bureau tutors will rarely have training as their sole task .
2 It is too simplistic to suggest that by offering improved opportunities in a less restrictive setting , individuals with often severe learning difficulties , frequently additional disabilities , and histories of damaging experiences , will thereby have access to improved , more satisfying life-styles .
3 Many of you will already have access to a personal computer and most of you will have access to one in the future .
4 Many families will not have life cycles of this type .
5 I will not have rudeness nor constant undermining of this company .
6 It is not good practice simply to leave the cable poking out of the wall , and many wall light fittings will not have space in their backing plate to make the connections .
7 It claims it secured a substantial deal for Scotland , one that ensured that Lang will not have patronage over the Scottish allocation of seats on the European Committee of the Regions .
8 The chances are of course that you will not have time go into so much detail , but you can use different headlines to highlight specific aspects of the story , and if you are aware of the requirements of each type of magazine you will at least be able to include back-up material which is relevant to their subject and readership and to follow up with ideas for more in-depth coverage .
9 You will not have time for more than one committee if you serve it properly .
10 She occupies herself all day , the old woman decided , so that she will not have time to think .
11 Like the hon. Gentleman , I must acknowledge that in such a wide-ranging debate I will not have time to deal with many of the points raised .
12 As the LSCA put it : ‘ If the momentum of consultation and communication is not maintained , members will not have confidence in the leaders of the Institute nor in the future proposals for financing its activities . ’
13 " Control " for these purposes is defined by s840 TA 1988 and it is likely that , though management has control for close company purposes within the meaning of s416 , they will not have control within the meaning of s840 while the institutional investors remain in place , because there will be powers conferred by Newco 's Articles of Association , or in the subscription agreement , that enable the institutions to control Newco within s840 .
14 The bureau will not have access to clinical , medical or nursing notes about the patient .
15 A female fieldworker certainly will not have access to some of the characteristically male speech events recorded by Labov et al.
16 Test me in this , ’ says the Lord Almighty , ‘ and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it .
17 But I hope that the Court of Appeal will soon have occasion to consider the Manchester Corporation case .
18 The company has done deals in France and China already and will soon have Unix System Technology structures set in Mexico , Canada and Australia .
19 ADULTS and school leavers in remote parts of Argyll and Bute will soon have access to further education colleges without having to travel .
20 And the decision means Tranmere 's second string will finally have quality opposition after years of languishing in the Midlands Senior League .
21 Whether as finance minister or prime minister , Mr Keating will still have plenty to do .
22 An India that overcomes its present political trial will still have work to do .
23 Registers will roll until elections are announced and then when elections are announced it will be the closing date for that particular election and polling cards will immediately be issued with massive publicity around them so that people who do n't get polling cards , discover that they 're not on registers and will still have time because they 've qualified by the qualifying date to get themselves entered onto registers within a week of the election taking place .
24 The board will usually have responsibility for long-term strategic planning , for example concerning investment in new production facilities and products , merging or making a bid for another company , closing down existing plants or pulling out of unprofitable markets .
25 The agreement pledging the security will usually have provision for the appointment .
26 In considering any disciplinary action taken by the Panel , the court will always have jurisdiction to intervene and , if necessary , to protect the individual from any abuse of power ( see Guinness above ) .
27 There are certain associates , who 're not going to use a rate book , there 's associates who er , because you 're doing a two appointment sale , will always have time to come back to the office and get a computer quote and go back with the right answer .
28 Apart from his difficulty in hearing the contrast the Tamil speaker will also have difficulty producing both th and [ 0 ] .
29 Some of the shops are also involved , they will also have window displays , several of Princes Risborough shops have taped up windows which looks quite extraordinary when you drive into the town .
30 As Employment Secretary she will also have responsibility for women 's issues .
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