Example sentences of "will [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Think about training though , if somebody 's got a question to ask what will about sort of something very early on and they do n't get the opportunity to answer you what might happen
2 In the vast majority of cases they will of course on the facts be a closed link between the nature of the trade effective between members of states and the competition that is restricted by the contested clause , this is because given that the restriction flows out in the agreement the later sets the context for former , accordingly as a simply matter of fact , restrictions of competition operating relating to the same market in which trade is affected between member of states , a restriction must be appraised in the context of the market , if the parties to the agreement or the high percent market share of the market , then a relatively minor restriction assumes greatest significance , on , firstly , if the parties hold a small share of the market then what appears obstensively be a serious restriction may turn out upon an assessment of facts to be minor or relatively insignificant , contrary to the submission of the plaintiff , the restriction of competition can be determined without a assessment of market , the court of first instance have recently held that the necessement of the market has necessary pre pre-conditioned of any judgement concerning the allegedly and competitive behaviour and your Lordship was taken to that paragraph page ninety two , just siting recently the and the present case the restrictions pleaded that paragraphs forty clements and the two twenty mason were for broadly to restrict the effects upon the insurance market , however the defendants have gone one step further and also identified other markets and sub markets in which the restrictions take immediate impact , this is logical for example in relation to the standard form agency agreement the restrictions have the most direct impact from the sub market to the provision of agencies services to names , competition is effected in this market since complete harmonization of secondary terms and trades are merely the criteria available to names when choosing an agent , however , the standard form contract also effects the wine and insurance market , the fact that the agent has unvetted powers to write any insurance which he sees fit affects the categories of insurance written within this is of course is the matter about which defendant makes complaint .
3 Seek the Lord while he may be found , call upon him while he is near , let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man is thoughts and let them return to the Lord , for what 's gon na happen , for he will of compassion on him and to our God for he will abundantly pardon those words were very quoted from Acts , chapter sixteen , when that Philippine jailer said Lord what must I do , sir what must I do to be saved and there Paul timac believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved this is God 's way by repentance in faith that 's presented in Jesus , he is the only saviour , not your works , not my works , not our good deeds , not our religious observances , he is the only saviour , did he not say himself I am the way the truth and the life , nobody comes to the father but by me .
4 Well do n't you dare do it to me in the panto , I will of die of embarrassment !
5 The dependence here upon existing stock sizes is an obvious disadvantage , and can be counterbalanced to some extent by allocating on the basis of use — though even this will in part at least reflect existing conditions .
6 I hope that my colleagues will be able to effect what they say they will in respect of part I of the Bill .
7 Furthermore if the search resolves the ambiguity it will in future save all the expense that would otherwise be incurred in fighting the rival interpretations through the courts .
8 Now the Pentagon has begun a serious attempt to find out what the future shape of American defence should be , and whether the new shape will in fact save money .
9 And in fact the intention would be in effect that this will in fact like greenbelt and I would point to the Harrogate District er Harrogate Rural Area Study and er that 's been submitted by Harrogate Council as an example of er showing that that is the precise intention of this sort of policy .
10 No one will die from lack of education as he will from lack of food or basic health care .
11 The chief executive or clerk of the authority will from time to time report to the council and its committees on all legislation which is new and which affects the local authority .
12 Regional health authorities will from time to time produce mortality data at ward level .
13 Spraying with weed killer may become an annual ritual , and you will from time to time have to rake the surface over to keep it even and within its boundary .
14 However , we will from time to time assume that we are discussing electronic computers , implemented by the routing and gating of electrical signals .
15 For advocacy groups to work properly they must feel that they are truly independent of the influence of professionals employed by the authority , since any group will from time to time find itself challenging the advice of a consultant psychiatrist or service manager employed by the authority .
16 In the process of indexing each new batch of documents , new words will from time to time appear in the text .
17 The Trust will from time to time make market purchases of shares in the Company and make grants of the shares to such employees , funded by loans or grants from the Company .
18 Inevitably patients with Crohn 's disease or indeterminate colitis will from time to time have restorative proctocolectomy .
19 The professor will also be expected to undertake examining duties and such administrative tasks as will from time to time arise , including possibly being head of department ( see below ) .
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