Example sentences of "will [verb] to [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Other analysts , however , are less confident about the economic outlook and reckon the country 's growth rate will fall to between 2 and 3 per cent .
2 The temperature will fall to minus one Celsius and that 's 30 Fahrenheit , so if you 're out driving tonight beware of icy patches on untreated roads .
3 Production from the 40 or so fields currently either producing or under development , will fall to around the 20 million tonnes per year level by the end of the century .
4 The most common bridle on narrow angle swept-wing sport kites has three lines , which we will refer to as a Trihedron .
5 In this chapter , I will first characterize two positions that represent the extremes of the debate , extremes that I will refer to as rationalism and relativism respectively .
6 It appears to me that the arguments which I have heard involve the consideration of three separate questions , namely : ( 1 ) does the ex turpi causa maxim and its related rules ( which I will refer to as ‘ the ex turpi causa defence ’ ) afford a defence to a claim for contribution under the Act of 1978 ? ( 2 ) If the ex turpi causa defence is capable of so applying , can it be said , with the degree of certainty necessary for a striking out order to be made , that the defence will exclude any contribution from the third party in the circumstances of this case ? ( 3 ) Leaving aside the ex turpi causa defence , can it be said with the necessary degree of certainty that the court will , under section 2(1) and ( 2 ) of the Act of 1978 , exempt the third party from liability to make contribution even if he has been negligent in the performance of some duty of care owed to the plaintiffs ?
7 The idea that compliance with profit maximisation should be enforced through shareholder supervision and control lies at the centre of what we will refer to as the ‘ ownership model ’ of the company .
8 There are two very different uses to which the concept of syndrome can be put , and it is important to appreciate the distinction between these uses which we will refer to as the theoretical and the clinical .
9 , general manager , Courtaulds Aerospace Europe will report to for all European aerospace coatings and sealants activities .
10 Whether this is actually possible is a discussion we will return to in chapter 6 .
11 Most street sellers will drop to at least half price if you shout and wave as much as them .
12 A Snotling unit must always be within 12″ of an Orc or Goblin unit and will move to within this distance during the movement phase if it finds itself further away .
13 With the eight-hour illumination period this will correspond to about a one-day average .
14 That contrasts with what some policies will lead to in a few years time if we are going to have complete closure of some long stay hospitalS .
15 This has not yet been discovered and we do not know what the machines are for — rather as nineteenth-century people did not know about plutonium and nuclear reactors — so we do not know what such developments will lead to in terms of aesthetic and economic considerations , and eventually the effects on the landscape and the settlements in it .
16 Another dialogue box appears into which you type the program name , the DOS command which starts the program and the Startup Directory ( optional ) which DOS will change to before starting the program .
17 It is sometimes said that only the Exodus complaint stories and the one in Numbers 20 , which we will come to in a moment , deal with matters of life and death .
18 My experience over many years is that Standing Committees and other similar Committees on the Floor of the House , with exceptions that I will come to in a moment , never give Bills the due consideration that they ought to have .
19 Er I I think my honourable friend , if I followed him er is confusing two things , er because erm er what we , he was beginning by talking about er are what we will come to in the regulations er which is the right of citizens of other er member countries to vote in the country of which they 're not a citizen to vote .
20 We will continue to from two three we will continue to dig the foundations in the mean time we hope the concrete the concrete will be arriving on site to complete those footings .
21 And to show you what the situation is er the world 's energy demand is very likely i i i is almost certain to increase er because of development in the world and also because of the growing population er that arrow is some sort of guess as to how the world er the demand for energy worldwide is likely to increase when you set that against the curves at the bottom which show the likely projections for oil and natural gas as you can see as we get into the next century those er fossil fuels , which we 've been using with gay abandon for many decades , will start to into er decline .
22 It is anticipated that turnover will rise to between £ [ x ] million to £ [ x ] million in 1989 producing profit before tax of £ [ x ] to £ [ x ] million .
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