Example sentences of "will [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 To the extent that we continue to celebrate the traditional myth of the entrepreneurial hero , we will slow the progress of change and adaptation that is essential to our economic success .
2 He [ Rey ] knows that a given singer will slow the tempo in a given place and that , a moment later , he must push the tempo forward in order to follow a different person .
3 Er in my opinion at this particular time we must bear in mind the financial constraints that we work under and er would the board agree with me that erm survival comes first yes but it 's obvious that the programme that we 've er had put forward is a good compromise between preferred in the arts , maintaining the theatre as a viable proposition and er entertaining the people of this particular part of the world because as I understand it this theatre was not just the artist also an entertainment centre and it 's in this area that er it 's quite obvious when you look into the figures on this area the popular area that the majority income comes so you 'll have to make a compromise and I will congratulate the board on what I think is pretty reasonable compromise so it 's quite obvious in the programme .
4 ENVIRONMENTALISTS opposed to Darlington 's planned cross town route are celebrating a Department of Transport announcement which they argue will weaken the case for the road .
5 " Joint implementation " , which allows industrialised countries to gain credit for financing projects to reduce emissions in developing countries , is disliked by environmentalists who fear it will weaken the resolve of industrialised countries , the biggest producers of greenhouse gases , to reduce their own emissions .
6 After beating Poland so well in Wembley to go out and make 5 changes which , with the exception of Dorigo and Shearer will weaken the team , the guy needs his head examined .
7 Pupils of the town 's Philip Morant School will plant the rest of the trees over the next few months on the proposed Gosbecks Archaeological Park near the school .
8 The research will compare the development of Prime Ministers ' press offices in three ‘ Westminster systems'--London , Ottawa and Canberra--and the President 's press office in the White House .
9 Crawley will compare the ecology of engineered and conventional varieties of three crops : potatoes , oilseed rape and sugar beet .
10 As far as possible , a specialist will compare the pottery with other examples ( usually called ‘ parallels ’ ) that have been securely dated , but if the only other examples of a type of pottery are not so well dated , the specialist points this out , giving references to the parallels that have been used .
11 If the example presented for recognition is exactly the same as a training instance , then all this recogniser 's RAM chips will output 1 , so the summing device will output the number K.
12 An analysis of the interaction between the three elements under consideration will facilitate the assessment of the prospects for this policy of military modernisation in Spain .
13 This will facilitate the removal of surplus glue or spills .
14 The search for physiological , psychological , social , biochemical or other markers which will facilitate the identification of high-risk children with some accuracy needs to continue .
15 WACC-AR should set up , and where necessary support , networks that will facilitate the exchange of information and experience between Christian communicators on the continent on human rights and evolving a human rights culture in Africa :
16 While certainly it seems plausible to suggest that , if there are people from similar social or educational backgrounds in a number of key roles , the relationships between those people will facilitate the sharing of ideas and opinions , the processes involved can not necessarily be explained as simply as this .
17 The development of a simple method of gall bladder cell culture from a readily accessble source will facilitate the study of several aspects of the gall bladder epithelial cell function and in particular the regulation of ion transport and hydrogen ion secretion , identification and cloning of the several antiport systems and channels operating on the cell membrane , regulation of mucin secretion and prostaglandin metabolism , and will enhance the understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms of gall bladder disorders .
18 The generation of stable bloodstream transformants for the first time will facilitate the study of gene function and expression during the trypanosome life cycle , and aid in the investigation of genetic exchange in these organisms .
19 Charles Robins believes UnixWare will facilitate the growth of Unix in commercial accounts because of its ease of use and integration with NetWare .
20 The consolidation of Europe after 1992 into a coherent socio-economic unit will facilitate the process of defining the relationship between mission and vision .
21 A developing grasp of speech will facilitate the process .
22 In addition , the electronic ‘ documentation ’ will facilitate the use of international standard data elements and codes , and cause a swifter turn-around of ships in port .
23 Thus , radical reform restructures rape offences in ways that it is hoped will facilitate the prosecution process without jeopardising the interests of the accused .
24 This will facilitate the integration of spending and revenue-raising , a measure we have long advocated .
25 This strategy , for the third year of work of the Enterprise Centre , will facilitate the integration of the work of the Enterprise Centre as a crucial and core activity of the University .
26 These extensions will facilitate the analysis of the effects of changes in the structure of commodity taxes and of unemployment benefits .
27 It will facilitate the connection of extra storage devices — tape , CD-ROM or drives — and distributes the workload across both SCSI devices .
28 Meanwhile , Burlington , Massachusetts-based Object Design Inc will ship the Object Access software it has been developing for Progress 4GL in June .
29 This may be true but presupposes that the law in question is the one which will govern the contract , whereas the reality is that for every contract governed by that law there will be another contract governed by a foreign law with which the party concerned may be unfamiliar , which is in a foreign language he does not understand , and which , when put to the test , may prove demonstrably inferior not only to his own law but to the proposed uniform law .
30 In this case , contrary to the wishes of the seller , the buyer 's conditions will govern the contract , because the seller has , in effect , accepted the counter-offer of the buyer , contained in the purchase order , to do business on the buyer 's conditions .
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